Don't cry wolf 2

Story by The Maid Foxy on SoFurry

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#2 of Don't cry wolf

This is the 2nd part to my first one that I uploaded earlier, hope it's as good as the other one.

Blitzar and Falstrol fell through a vortex that was vibrantly colored with reds and blues. The two furs screamed, they never thought that it would be like this. Then a bright flash blanked out every thing that they could see, Blitzar closed his eyes to shield himself from it. When he opened his eyes he saw a bright blue sky, clouds wisped through it and an airplane flew past his vision. He sat up and put his head in his paws, "what a headache. Falstrol where are you!" "Over here!" Blitzar looked to see Falstrol hopping over to him, "Falstrol where are we?" He looked around "I believe we are on top of a tall building." Blitzar slowly got up "I mean are we there, you know in the human world?" Falstrol went to the edge and looked down then quickly jumped back "ohhh yes, we're there." A slow beeping started to come from Blitzar's pocket "I totally forgot!" He plucked the device that the commander had given him out of his pocket. A small screen that was at the top of the device displayed a name "Jonathan Stylus" Falstrol read the name aloud, "hey Blitzar press that button!" Once again on the screen the name appeared but next to it said, "info." Blitzar touched the screen and a picture with a bio came up, "Jonathan Stylus, New York, New York. Age: 42, Occupation: Electrician, Future help: Builds gun that can shoot an electromagnetic pulse that causes all electronics not on a certain frequency to shut down." Falstrol looked at the information, "that's the target, looks easy. They must be starting us off easy." Blitzar nodded "yeah, let's set up a base of operations. Falstrol you fly around and find out what city we're in and try to find this Stylus person, radio back when you find out. I'll find us a place to stay." Falstrol hopped to the edge of the building, "I'll tell you if I find anything, keep your radio in and Blitzar, use the device." Then he flew off. Blitzar looked at the little device then took a deep breath and pressed the button. He felt a small tingle in his feet and it moved up. On the outside a blue circle surrounded him and slowly moved up with the feeling. When it stopped at the top of his head he could hear less and couldn't see as far, Blitzar looked at his hands and moved them around, "well, more flexible."

Blitzar opened the door to the top floor from the roof; inside was a long hall-way "must be in an apartment complex." He inched all the way to the elevator and pressed the down button. The elevators doors opened and he stepped inside then pressed floor one. During the ride a man came in, "hey, nice day out there huh?" Blitzar started shaking "uh, yeah." The man continued "I don't think I've seen you around here before, what's your name?" "Umm, Blitz." The man nodded "ahh, German." The elevator doors opened to the first floor, both of them walked out "well nice talking to you, maybe I'll see you later." Then he walked off, "finally!" Blitzar walked out the door; the sounds of the city filled his ears. "Blitzar!" Falstrol's voice echoed through the radio, "I've found out where we are its New York and I found the company where Stylus works!" Blitzar tucked into an ally so it wouldn't look like he was talking to no one, "well that was fast, what is it?" "It was quite obvious, he's the founder of Stylus and co. It's a small electric company, I'm flying over the building right now, it's up on 5th avenue." Blitzar smiled "roger, see you there." He slowly walked out of the ally and followed the signs to 5th avenue.

"Falstrol what time is it?" Falstrol looked over at a sign across the street "8:50." "Good, they said that the company closes at 9:00." Blitzar stood outside the door while Falstrol hopped around the side walk. Two people walked out of the building, "Yeah Bill, I'll see you tomorrow." "You too John, see you later." At that name Blitzar looked up, there was a man walking in front of him. He looked closely, it was Jonathan Stylus, "Falstrol, come on, we're leaving." Falstrol took off and circled, while Blitzar kept his eyes on the target. He walked down the street and then took a left. "Falstrol, you got him?" With his unmatched eyes he scanned the streets, one man stood out. "Yeah, I see him, hold up he's walking into a building." Blitzar ran to the corner "which one!" Falstrol looked closely "Uh, Autumn Apartments, hurry before he get's to his room!" Blitzar briskly walked to the building and walked through the revolving doors. Stylus lazily walked in the elevator, the doors began to shut, and with out thinking Blitzar shouted "HOLD THE DOORS!" John turned around and stuck his arm in the way of the doors, they stopped closing. Blitzar slowed and walked up to the elevator "thanks." John smiled "anytime!" Blitzar started some small talk "what floor you going to?" John pressed a button "oh, 13." Blitzar smiled to him self "really, me too what a coincidence." Both of them were quiet for the rest of the ride, the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Blitzar quickly glanced at the elevator clock, 8:59. Stylus whistled a marry tune, Blitzar followed closely behind. He came to his door and reached to open it, but before he could get there a furry hand covered the door knob. He backed up "W...!" Blitzar put his other hand on Jonathan Stylus's shoulder. He turned around and saw Blitzar in his full wolf form, "good bye John" He took his hand off the door knob and took out his claws then flattened his paw. "Wait, what have I done." He tried to get out of the hold but it wasn't going to happen. Blitzar pulled back his arm and trust it right into John's upper left chest; it went through with out any hesitation. Blood spattered onto everything that was behind them, Blitzar pulled his paw from the limp body, it slumped and then fell to he ground with a big hole in his chest, "Falstrol, come in." Falstrol circled the building "Yeah?" Blitzar smiled his yellow eyes almost stained with blood, "mission accomplished."

Blitzar quickly ran up the stairs to the roof, he barged through the emergency exit an alarm sounded. "Falstrol hurry up we have to get out of here!" Blitzar ran across the roof, he saw the space between the buildings. He continued to run then he jumped. "Falstrol we have to get out of here quickly, I accidently triggered a fire alarm." Falstrol dove down to fly next to Blitzar "you set off a fire alarm! Then we really have to get out of here." Both of them disappeared into the night.

"Lieutenant Herman we have no idea what killed him, we've never seen anything like this before." Lieutenant Herman looked at the dead body, forensics people where all around him. "Did anyone see anything?" An officer looked at Herman "no, who ever did this is good, one of the best we've seen." Herman walked slowly down the hall, "wait, what's this?" He knelt down and looked closely. "Is this hair?" The officer that was next to him called to the forensics, they came over and picked it up the substance with tweezers and put it in a bag. "We'll get this to a lab right away." Herman stood up, "I want you to get this to the lab yesterday!" He took one more look as Jonathan Stylus was zipped up in a body bag and walked off.

Don't cry wolf 3

This is the 3rd installment of this story, overall there is 5. If you like it please comment so I know what to keep! Plus if you are just starting to read this, you might want to go back and read the others unless you want to be very...

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Don't cry wolf

This is an old story that I wrote awhile ago, it was actually the first real one. So it's not that up to what I write now, please tell me what you think. (Plus I write in a different format right now, so when I upload different things it will look...

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