Don't cry wolf
#1 of Don't cry wolf
This is an old story that I wrote awhile ago, it was actually the first real one. So it's not that up to what I write now, please tell me what you think. (Plus I write in a different format right now, so when I upload different things it will look different)
Falstrol flew high above the trees and clouds; he felt the wind rush over his wings. The young falcon eyed in-between the trees of the forest, "Hey Blitzar I see your target, he's around half a klick to your northeast." Blitzar used one of his paws to slowly and quietly move a fern that was blocking his bright yellow eyes. "Where exactly? I don't see him!" Falstrol sighed through his two-way radio, "he's near a big evergreen, the one with the lowest branch. See it?" Blitzar shielded the glaring sun with one paw, "oh I see the tree, thanks." Falstrol rolled his eyes "anytime, see you on the other side." Blitzar smiled to himself "what are you talking about this job is easy!" He stepped over the fern while his claws appeared from his fingers. Then he quickly dashed through the foliage and trees tell he saw the figure of a tall man near where Falstrol had said "nice eye Falstrol." In a matter of seconds Blitzar charged up to the figure and smashed the point of his paw right where the heart was supposed to be. A loud crack sounded through the forest as Blitzar's paw shattered the piece of plywood that was standing in for a man. "Yes! Perfect shot." Blitzar sighed a reliving sigh "O.K Falstrol, mission complete, you can come down now." "Finally, do you know how hard it is to fly five hours strait?" Blitzar chuckled to himself "no, I don't and I probably will never know, so instead of complaining to me go tell it to the new spotters. I sure they'll like to hear it." "Oh, shut up." The falcon dove through the canopy and landed on Blitzar's shoulder and pecked the wolf's head. "Ow, stop you know I don't like that and besides you didn't have to shove your paw through three inches of plywood did you." Falstrol turned his head to look back at the carnage, "well I don't have paws so I don't have to." The team erupted in laughter, "come on" Blitzar said in between laughs "let's get back to base."
Blitzar shoulder walked up to a building labeled Staklar school. They both walked inside the automatic doors, "hey Falstrol, do you think the new class is in yet?" The falcon looked around but before he could talk they both heard "dude, check out over there it's Blitz the wolf and Falstrol." Blitzar rolled his eyes "yeah, their here." "The only assassin in training ever to beat the 21st test, and Falstrol, the spotter who can supposedly read a watch from a mile!" Blitzar turned to around to about 15 animals and knelt down, "you guys the new class huh?" The young animals smiled from ear to ear, "yes!" The pups were all holding pieces of paper. "Hey, Falstrol you remember these, teacher assignments?" He grabbed one from a young fox. Falstrol positioned himself better on Blitzar's shoulder so he could read the paper. "Hey look Falstrol check it out Jazilar Chation remember him?" He looked closer "Oh yeah, that's the class were we met, beginner tracking." Blitzar gave the paper back to the fox, "he's the best teacher at this school, you'll love him." The fox's face sparkled "you sure?" "Positive." Falstrol flapped his wings "come on Blitzar we have to get to debriefing, that little thing that we just did wasn't a training exercise." Blitzar looked at the pups "see you guys on the field."
Blitzar opened the door labeled "mission briefing." Inside there were three canines sitting at a tall table. Two were dogs and the other who was in the middle was a wolf. Blitzar saluted while Falstrol bowed, "Blitzar and Falstrol you are the two finest recruits that we have plus, you've just finished the hardest test the school has to offer, test 25. That is why you will not be going into the assassin corp." Blitzar protested "WHAT! Commander Excuse me but, I am the best assassin and Falstrol is the best spotter out there, and you say that we can't join the corps not even unit 6!" That happened to be the worst unit. The commander stood up in a fury "you do not speak to you commander like that. You did not even listen to what I was saying, you will not be going it to the corp. Instead you will be put into the Staklar squad." Falstrol cocked his head in confusion "Staklar, that's the name of the school." The commander walked around to the front of the table "precisely, Lesolot Staklar the founder of the assassin corps also devised a squad, later to be called the Staklar squad, its mission to assassinate key figures behind enemy lines." Falstrol flew to the table, "did you hear! Behind enemy lines, not just at the fronts!" Blitzar started to wag his tail "Yes, a challenge!" The commander leaned back and sighed, "I wasn't finished." Both Blitzar and Falstrol shut up immediately, "as I was saying, its mission was to assassinate key figures behind enemy lines. But its motives have changed as of three days ago." "Three days ago." Blitzar wondered, the commander started to explain, "Yes three days ago our top scientist discovered something. You know that we have been fighting a war with the humans via different dimensions. Both sides have tried to infiltrate the other dimensions but couldn't gain foot holds." Blitzar and Falstrol nodded while they were listening, "well our scientists discovered a portal between the dimensions that actually leads to time travel. So the plan is to send back skilled assassins and assassinate key players in the human war effort." Blitzar and Falstrol looked at each other with excitement, "how far back in time does it go?" Blitzar asked. The commander came a bit closer "we have found it opens up on September 1st, 2009. Eleven months and six days before the war started." Falstrol and Blitzar both looked at each other and both said "when do we start."
The commander briskly walked towards two large doors that were at the end of a long hall, Blitzar was behind him with Falstrol on his shoulder. The old wolf barged through the doors "follow me." The room was the equipment hall where all the assassins of squad 8 held their weapons and cloaks. Blitzar stopped to feel the cloaks "soon." The commander turned around "hurry up." Blitzar turned his head "uh, coming sir." The commander walked towards a small door at the back of the room that wasn't labeled and let the duo in. It was a bare room, save for some lockers to the right of where they were, "Blitzar get into one of the suits, it's for the time period. Falstrol you can go as it is, after all you're just a bird." Blitzar went to one of the lockers and took out what was inside "ewww, is this seriously what they wore back then?" He was holding some jeans and a black t-shirt, around the shirt there was a black blazer. "Don't complain and put it on." Blitzar took off his mission clothing and changed into the other, "there is no room for my tail!" The commander rolled his eyes "you can't go back like that, they don't know about this dimension yet." Blitzar started to ask how he was going to achieve that the commander just said "follow me." He walked to another door at the end, "O.K."
Blitzar took the small device that the commander had given him. "This will change you in to a human for a short amount of time." Falstrol cocked his head, "a short time, but from what I could gather we will be there quite a while." The commander stepped back "it will give the appearance of a human for about one day then it needs to recharge. Actually, it works out quite well, because you will not be able to have acute senses like you're used to but have senses like humans. Degraded sight, hearing, smell, well you name it and we have it better, but they do have better technology. Anyway you're gong to have to carry out your assassinations at night when your in this form, while during the day Falstrol can give you information while he's flying." Blitzar looked at the device "do I have to keep it on me at all times?" The commander nodded "to activate it press this button." On the device there was a small grey button, "when you reach the other side activate it immediately, you can't do it now for it would short out. Now please step over here." Blitzar and Falstrol slowly walked over to a door that opened to a room with a single satellite dish pointing down. The commander pushed them in and hurriedly closed the door behind them. Blitzar cautiously moved to the middle of the room under the dish. Then a P.A system with the commanders voice spoke up, "one more thing, that device has a small computer built into it, each time you assassinate a target it will show the next one." Then he asked the one question "you guy's ready?" Both of the animals replied with a "yes sir." The commander's voice came up one more time "see you after your mission assassin." Then machines started to whirr and clink, Falstrol couldn't help but say "see you on the other side." Blitzar thought to himself "this time there is another side." Just as he said that a blue haze surrounded them and they were gone.