2:8 Darkness Falls
Pitch Black _is the second arc of The Underground series_ _Chapter 8 of 22_ Darkness Falls _There's more to you than you see; than anyone sees. Like a shooting star in the night it flashes through the darkness for one brilliant moment and, just as...
2:7 Hell's City
Pitch Black _is the second arc of The Underground series_ _Chapter 7 of 22_ Hell's City There was nothing quite like a moonless night in Arcadia. It was almost like a Metropolis/Gotham City parallel when comparing the _normal_ everyday Arcadia, to...
2:6 The Messenger
Pitch Black _is the second arc of The Underground series_ _Chapter 6 of 22_ The Messenger It's always a jarring feeling when you wake up and don't remember where you are. It can happen at any point, and even in a bed you've slept in for years. It's...
2:5 Embassies of The Underground
Pitch Black _is the second arc of The Underground series_ _Chapter 5 of 22_ Embassies of The Underground "This just doesn't make any Goddamn sense." Alias stated aloud in an agitated voice as he paced the carpet of the living room...
2:4 Black Listed
Pitch Black _is the second arc of The Underground series_ _Chapter 4 of 22_ Black Listed Alias's boot met the flimsy wooden door with great force, nearly snapping it from it's hinges. Pistol already drawn, the black fox aimed his gun at the...
2:1 A Necessary Action
Pitch Black _is the second arc of The Underground series_ _Chapter 1 of 22_ the UndergrounD pitch black _There was a reason I chose you, did I ever tell you that?_ _Like so many before, I casually looked the other way and went about my...
1:31 Lazarus Falling
The Mercenary _is the first arc of The Underground series_ _Chapter 31 of 32_ **Lazarus Falling** Normally, one would panic in such an instance. Normally, watching your high-rise tower burning should make a grown male cry. Normally, being held at...
1:29 Conference #3
The Mercenary _is the first arc of The Underground series_ _Chapter 29 of 32_ **Conference #3** "Sir we've got two dead bodies on the roof, and shots reported being fired in sublevel three." A voice muffled in static as he reported over Hets's...
1:28 Promise
The Mercenary _is the first arc of The Underground series_ _Chapter 28 of 32_ **Promise** Jenna just wanted them all to leave her alone. Her tormentors were not the interrogators now, but her own mind had turned against her. He would appear to her,...
1:27 Razor's Edge
The Mercenary _is the first arc of The Underground series_ _Chapter 27 of 32_ **Razor's Edge** The rabbit walked away from the vixen, broken in a pathetic blue heap on the floor. Smiling, he walked away thinking about the games to come. He was only...
1:22 Conference #2
The Mercenary _is the first arc of The Underground series_ _Chapter 22 of 32_ **Conference #2** "A second attempt at retrieving one former employee and one former captive; results? One stolen SUV, four dead bodies, none of which are the...
1:21 Refuge
The Mercenary _is the first arc of The Underground series_ _Chapter 21 of 32_ **Refuge** Alias slowly turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. Head pressed to the door, he scanned the darkness for anything. After a night like tonight, he wasn't...