1:31 Lazarus Falling

Story by Jack Flash on SoFurry

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#31 of The Underground: The Mercenary

The Mercenary is the first arc of The Underground series

Chapter 31 of 32

Lazarus Falling

Normally, one would panic in such an instance. Normally, watching your high-rise tower burning should make a grown male cry. Normally, being held at gunpoint by an ace assassin could have anyone on their knees begging for mercy, and if they were lucky enough to get away, thanking God they were still breathing.

However, Xen Hets considered himself far from normal. He walked calmly down the many flights of stairs. He knew Lazarus Plaza was burning, he knew if Alias were to catch up with him, he would probably shoot him, and he knew that this would deal a crippling blow to the Lazarus Institute. But the grey stallion was very calm as he brushed the dust from the crumbling high-rise off his shoulders.

He had to admit, Alias had done an impressive job. He didn't expect the fox to show such aptitude, however, he planned for it like always. Even more impressive was his little friend. That vixen would have shot him if Alias hadn't intervened. She showed remarkable resistance to one of his best interrogators. Then again, Hets doubted that rabbit had gotten very far with her. Had Hets given the rabbit free will to do whatever he wanted, he was sure things would have been different; Hets would be leaving in a body bag and not in an expensive suit.

Exiting the building, the stallion strolled over to the street, avoiding the falling fireballs of debris from above. As soon as his shoes stopped on the curb, as if on cue, a glossy black limousine pulled over. The breaks squeaked slightly as it slowed to a stop, the back door lining up with Hets precisely. Repositioning himself inside the limo, the stallion stretched out and relaxed, looking up at the site that was Lazarus Plaza.

He sighed a long slow sigh of relief, and turned to his company facing him in the limo.

"Everything is going the way it should."

3:2 Doctor Who?

_Parasite is the third part of The Underground series_ _Chapter 2 of 29_ **Doctor Who?** The black fox rocketed up, letting out a cry of pure terror escape his lungs. Sweat flowed openly down his body, heart in a frenzy as it beat out of...

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2:22 Loose Ends

Pitch Black _is the second arc of The Underground series_ _Chapter 22 of 22_ Loose Ends The Underground was ironic in the most unusual ways. Both males and females died every day and no one even raised an eyebrow. Someone could be dead in an...

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2:21 Killing The Doctor

Pitch Black _is the second arc of The Underground series_ _Chapter 21 of 22_ Killing The Doctor _This world can take you and make you into someone you don't even recognize anymore. In our world we see the worst of people every day. They all try so...

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