Thanksgiving in Devout America
Thanksgiving; one of the most traditional holidays in the history of the United States, especially going into the Devout American age. The...
Between Salvation and Sin
My paws gripped the steering wheel in a sweaty vice as I stared down the busy highway. I reassured myself once in a while that my paranoia wasn't necessary. The occupants of passing cars probably had never even heard of my hometown, let alone even met...
Resonance Universe (V2) - United States map
_Villains and heroes are just an illusion. They're a fairy tale to tell your cubs and reassure them good people exist in this world, despite the contrary. The truth is that everybody contains a little sin. It's a black-and-grey need that can transform...
The Buccaneer's Bay (anthology excerpt)
All a family needed to do in order to come here was go down a road five miles south of Gladwin, over a small bridge and to this open area. Large cracks zig-zagged the abused blacktop, most of it covered in accumulated grass, all of it in front of a...
Shine on Harvest Moon
The night was mighty dark in these woods. Luckily, my canine eyes could make out the outlines of tree trunks and fallen branches, while my girlfriend tripped a couple of times. If her delicate paw weren't encased in mine, I reckon she'd have tracked...
Maverick Hotel Part 3
Lowell helped me get dressed before we immediately bolted for the seddies' room. He probably woke up half of the top floor from how he slammed it shut, but neither of us cared. One of the seddies was awake, something we should've been overly excited...
Maverick Hotel Part 4
It felt strange to see everyone in the Maverick livelier than ever. Not that I could blame them or myself. For twenty-two years since the Revenant Party took over, the Defiant were nothing more than a thorn on their regime's side. They did nothing...
Maverick Hotel Part 5
Dinner was tense and deadly quiet most of the time, with Mary and I exchanging small talk between bites of dinner. Mostly, it involved complementing her cooking. Chunks of ham, broccoli and other spices were mixed gradually in, giving each of our...
'Beyond the Cave' short story from Furry Migration 2016
Beyond the Cave By: Domus Vocis Cub still not come back yet. Wolf did not worry much for Cub, especially since he hunted on his own accord. Whenever they woke up, Wolf and Cub hunted by themselves. Game such as small rabbits went by the maw of the...
Being a Stepfather
Being a Stepfather By: Domus Vocis Tonight was a big night for both of us, me and Chloe. Nearing the point of being called a middle-aged lion, romance was as much on my mind months ago as it is smiling at job. My name is Gordon Jameson, and I...
Bounty Hunter Uncle (Patreon story)
Bounty Hunter Uncle By Domus Vocis Waking up around midnight, my brain barely registered the sound of my phone buzzing on the nightstand. I opened my eyes and checked the time, only to sigh and grab the damn thing before it could go to voicemail. ...
Like everyone else at school, I was shocked when Jason Amara's ex-girlfriend told everyone he was gay. Apparently, the lovebirds had a falling out the night before after one of their many dates, when Jason made his confession to her, and now all our...