Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 2

Hay, the last time she remembered even donning her karate outfit was when she helped applebloom try to get her cutie mark. something to do in her off time.

Born For Loyalty Chapter 10

She spotted dawn talking with aj's sister applebloom, rarity's sister sweetie belle, and some pegasus that went everywhere with a scooter. they seemed to be getting along well.


Giving Love a Helping Hoof

It's always jus' bin' me, big macintosh, granny smith and applebloom over on the farm. i come to town from time t' time, but ah've never really bin' 'round other colts much." "so why the blush if you don't think of him like that?"

Friendship is Hunted: Origin of the Hunt

Not just animals, but people, big mac, applebloom, they told us about it, that you need that energy people give off to survive. i...i get you need to gobble up...gobble up people. but..."

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Giving Love a Helping Hoof: Chapter 2

"after making myself presentable and getting sweetie belle over to sweet apple acres with scootaloo and applebloom... well, suffice it to say that after that trip i found the need to make myself presentable again.

MLP:FiM: Chapture 4: Down the Rabbid Hole

Please tell applebloom, big mac, and granny that i love them very much. i have to go now. i wont blame you if you are not there at the gates of the farm. your right and i should listen to you.

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MLP:FiM: Chapture 5: A New Day With Nothing New

Is big mac, applebloom, and granny smith on a secret treasure hunt for pirate treasure or something and i should question them too?" "applejack, we're sorry. we're just worried.

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