Shadow Dragon Bio

They are affected by the same limitations as most other shadow dragons and have exceptions to some abilities. (see msd after each ability to see said exceptions for mini-shadow dragons.

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Chapter 5: Words are Mightier than the Bomb

I know some of you might have realized by now where i get the inspiration of the discord ability from. i am trying to make the ability as outrageous as possible so it cannot be considered magic.

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Anu Nocturn

ability: wolves eye (ability to see the true nature of anyone who makes direct eye contact) secondary abilities: week aura sight (at close distances can see the natural electromagnetic field around people that belays there emotions).


P.O.D.S Manual

As mentioned earlier, the battle cards are compressed data that is transmitted to your navi to use during combat, be they a navi's exclusive/special abilities, elemental abilities, combat type abilities and support abilities.

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Akanu Nightmaris

ability: infinite wolves eye: ability to see the true nature of anyone within 5 feet secondary abilities: strong aura sight: can see the natural electromagnetic field around people that belays there emotions.


Auran OC info

**\>\> abilities:** **\> physical abilities:** the subject's most notable physical abilities are the ability to ingest objects and creatures up to approximately his size and his impressive senses of smell and taste.

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The Book of Gaian Magic

However they lack the ability to see in the dark but make up with the fact that they can dig very fast.

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Chapter 8- The Raccoon

"do you have abilities like me?" kayden asks calmly. he hopes so. he thought he was the only one in town with an ability no one has ever seen. looking at her brother and back, emma seems to be calculating what to say next.

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Chapter 9- The Seizure

"if only you had an ability. that would be so cool." "yeah, i know." don's voice sounds sass but his tone has a little teasing in it. "what would you want to have if you had an ability?" "hmmm..." don thinks for a minute.

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Monster Mankind Chapter 4

It's a sign that for someone, who has never tapped into their abilities before, he has incredible potential with his abilities." the lion put the pieces together, pupils shrinking in realization. "oh shit..."

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Monster Mankind Chapter 3

"do you want to continue your ability assessment?" "i mean, i am finished, right?" "well, there is one last ability you should have. since you are classified as a spirit, you should have the ability to possess people." "like a demon possession?"

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Dodekatheon Pantheon

------------ **ares:** god of war **aka:** mars, maris **details:** god of war, ares has a profound ability to incite murderous rage in almost anyone around him.

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