Assassin p1

It had a small, japanese looking symbol imprinted on one side and a red and black yin-yang on the other side. the dingo had only been a body guard for three going on four months now.

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The Legendary Crystal Beast Deck

Then a yin yang symbol was burned into my skin. the pain was too much that i passed out on the floor. a few hours before i opened my eyes i heard voices unfamilair voices.

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A Fox Amongst Wolves part 7: Their Day Together

When that was done i searched around for things i couldn't be without, i grabbed my favorite plush toy growing up, a brown wolf i had named steven, a charm bracelet with a yin yang symbol, and a picture of my family. i looked at the picture.

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Chapter 9- The Seizure

A green and black wolf in wisconson was seen with a white and grey yin-yang symbol and a red octagon on his ears; showing he has the ability to predict bad outcomes of any decision.

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My Furry Valentine Ch. 3

However there were key differences: one of them bore a yin-yang necklace around her neck, and a sword similar to my own; while the other only had one real arm; the right was made of metal. (she lost it in a battle with an evil renamon).

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Ayame's Chronicles- Awakening of the Vixen

On both her gloves and her thighs, there were yin-yang symbols. takami was speechless as to what happened. the new digimon turned her head back to takami and smirked. "told you i had a plan on what to do.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 19

Hope was right to some point, cheetahs always believed in symbolism, something he discarded but still held onto the yin yang nevertheless. without it he would never meet the ancestor of his race after all.

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Spellcasters Vs Dragons

Then i looked at the top of my paw and looked at my yin yang symbol that was magically branded into my skin and fur. 'maybe these two dragons represent this.' i took a closer look, when i heard a knock at my door.

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Spellcasters VS Dragons

Then i looked at the top of my paw and looked at my yin yang symbol that was magically branded into my skin and fur. 'maybe these two dragons represent this.' i took a closer look, when i heard a knock at my door.

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Hidden: Chapter 3

Red and blue swirl around the pupil in a yin-yang-like pattern, and the spots the two colours can't cover are black as well. i blink, but the image remains. it almost looks like two daggers of black sparring with a red-and-blue yin-yang around my pupil.

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Beginning with an End part 1

I was caught in awe as i noticed my back fur made an intricate yin-yang design. my tail clearly showed that i was a cat, from the rest of me i determined i was definitely part wolf.

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