Wächter ~ Destatikil

[GERMAN] Wächter der Mondes Wächter der Nacht Hülle mich ein In düstere Pracht Wächter des Tages Wächter der Sonne Hoch im Himmel Gib mir Wonne Wächter des Tages und der Nacht Hüllt mich ein in eure Pracht Wächter der Nacht und...

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Embertooth - Chapter 4: Sway

That had generated many conflicts with the order of the sentinels and that was why there existed a certain rivalry between both societies.

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World in conflict: CH7 The 7th Sentinel Battailion

During the past two weeks the soviet military trained the southerners how to use weapons, some learned quicker than others but overall, about 12,576 of them were ready for combat (we achieved this by training in huge groups at a time, and since they...

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Pushing Stars

As much as he put every last drop of his effort in order to warrant his starting spot on the team - his long tenure on the team, as well as his unusual size and outgoing demeanor, having earned him a small popularity cult among the sentinels' supporters -

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Star Wars: Right vs Easy (Commission)

But while the hunters were now flanked and attacked, they had at least enough sense to direct some of their attention at the sentinel and selonian, forcing them to trade shots while they sought cover.

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Sunset Bound

Jimmy looked out to where the sentinel army of armour were standing and noticed something bad "they are gone" he said to himself "that's either really good or really bad" jimmy heard a large splintering sound from the study "should have cut the head off

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Supernova: Prelude, Arc 1, Chapter 1

Elaenor made her way to her left along with the fur sitting to the sentinel's right, exiting out the starboard side while elaenor barked orders into her subdermal comms device. "overlord, this is sentry-one.

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 13

Yes, she suspected that a black dragon was the one killing mikha, but she couldn't accuse any random dragons in the sentinel.

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[Draft] Star Wars: Right vs Easy - Deleated Scenes

The subtle mind-trick having removed them from the entrance, locke looked back and gave the sentinel a nod before he and keris turned and made a beeline for the nearest alley, disappearing behind a corner.

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Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 16

That night, she and nusha slept in each other's arms, like that had by the statue of the sentinel. but this time, karme was more than warm enough.

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