First and Last

When he saw that Savan was approaching at last, Gorion smiled in relief. When he saw that the big gnoll was being supported by old Karan of the Oghma clergy, his smile changed to a confused frown. And when he saw the blood, the bandages, the dazed...

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losing hope ch16.

Alex grabs me by the throat "where are you going?," Alex asks "to find the canler" Conner says "California," Alex says "wha?," " California," thankyou now put the mask back on..."

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The Dimensional Traveler- "Author's note"

"Life is Not Always What It Seems!" 'Annie, my beloved daughter. If you are reading this, then I am now one with the world. I'm sorry that we never got the chance to bond properly. I can only hope that this book will be enough to make up for my failure...


Fall of man dawn of a new age Chapter 6

? Fall of man Dawn of a new age Chapter 6 Joe tells a shrink his life story "Tell me, Mr. Marsh about yourself?" A black lab said looking at Joe. It's Monday around 12:15 in the afternoon. Dr. Frank, the shrink is one of the five left in...


Paradise Redefined

Note: Two things: 1. Telepathic messages are in star quotes (\*phrase\*) 2. When I say Lacyus or Mattheiu, it's the same character, just different forms (Lacyus dragon, Mattheiu Human ...

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Hostile Takeover

Part four: "So...what happened?" I asked, a little shocked at the idea. I could tell that promises were important to this (It was rather obvious that the guy held promises high, at least to me.) Joel--ah...I mean,...

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hi! i know this isnt what you guys were expecting and all, but the holidays have kept me quite busy! so the next chapter, chapter 4, which should be out by now, will be uploaded in the next 2 days (currenly writting it). just felt like letting you guys...

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The Chronicles of Tidaka Chapter Two: The Mysterious Blue Dracogin.

The Chronicles of Tidaka Chapter Two: The Mysterious Blue Dracogin. After watching the blue dracogin destroyed the mecha Bravo Team was still wary. Joe: Charr what in the world is THAT! She exclaimed pointing at the figure who was now...

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Raspberry Line Chapter 18

Dark. Ket liked the dark. Not in a creepy, morbid way of course. It was relaxing, cleansing, and quiet. He had never really been afraid of the dark, although sometimes it did make him feel a bit anxious. He stayed away from...


The Unintended Curse ch6

THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 6 'Well hopefully that should shut all those girls up.' I thought as I finally situated myself into a new and improved Lisa. 'Though I'd love to get her up and have a look at my work, I'm...


Inevitability pt 5

Inevitability pt 5 As John ran, the massive pillars of the launch facility slowly came into focus. Reaching ten miles into the atmosphere, they were the pinnacle of human engineering achievement on this planet, though there were rumors that...


Inevitability pt 4

Inevitability pt 4 The video recording continued to playback. "Fire did not stop them either. Some would burn, and "die", true, but they felt no pain, and they continued to trudge forward, towards the barracks, where the surviving...
