My Eternity

star wisps my soul away the shadows consume my skin in darkness and yet i can't wait for the first sun rise

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Meteor-Gazing Squirrel

Just like a shooting star." despite the pain and embarrassment, he could still feel that flutter inside him that he had first had when he had decided to give her the rock in the first place.

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Shooting Down Stars

A meteorite posing as a shooting star, but still, somewhere, you hope that the burning graphite that aspired to be a statement is caught in the eye of a stranger and becomes a wish instead.

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A Change In Perspective [Patreon Commission]

Our heartbeats and breathing almost perfectly synchronize._ another shooting star, here and gone. there was no moon tonight; even without its extra light, askia still felt a little warmer, a little safer.

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Legends of Mundus Ch1-2

Then from light in the sky came the sun dragon, a giant beast of flaming, radiant scales, who roared across the sky like a shooting star. its scaled body shined so brightly it illuminated mundus and all its inhabitants.

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Seeing Things

I just saw a shooting star... i guess... i'll just wish what i want and hope for the best. wish me well.

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Origins of Chaya the Shiny Espeon

One night when they were out watching they night sky the boy saw a shooting star and made a wish that would change everything. that night chaya evolved from an eevee to an espeon, but it didn't stop at that.


Warehouse Conversion

Whatever the shooting star construction did, they did it exceptionally well, like a student doing the extra effort on the assignment.

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The Little Match Girl

.** ** at that moment, the villagers saw a shooting star.** ** the next morning, the firemen put out the fire and began to help the casualties.

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Revelation The Beginning

After many years of being by himself and seeing the universe ever expanding he saw a shooting star one day and plucked it from the sky he cracked it in half and made two beings from it.

The Night the Stars Fell - Preview

The captain, too mortified to speak, crossed himself and lifted his eyes to the heavens, hoping that the shooting star he saw was an acknowledgement of his silent prayer.

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Lila of the Reptilydes Part 9

She saw a shooting star, and not knowing what else to wish for, she wished that everything would work out well in her world. when the messenger finished repeating his entire important message, king dyremus silently fumed.
