A Kheldians Revenge & Hope

Oh a bit about kheldians you may not already know, we are not only shape-shifters but energy shifters. we can become any mass or energy configuration as needed. meaning we have few limitations to what we can become, energy or mass.

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Cry Me a Murder (Part Two) : The Shoe that Fits

They were shape shifters, half man, half beast. the nomadic tribes of these beast-men were drawn to san blas by the sun and the sea, and i sure didn't blame them. the moment my airplane touched ground, the sun took me into a warm embrace.

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Therian Intro (working title)

Richard is a therianthrope, a shape shifter. last night he hunted as a true wolf. last night for the first time he did not hunt alone. he hunted with an old friend of his, joe. they took down a deer. richard grinned at the memory.

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Snake Charm

Amber was a serpent therianthrope, more specifically she was a king cobra shape shifter. her species was quite rare, although the fact she was a serpent was not, and her life was markedly different for it.

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Wasteland Saviour - Divine Union - ch3

Lieutenant jessup, since he asked for kevin's treatment and became some kind of shape shifter..." she trailed off a moment, waiting until the others had finished reading to continue, "but her?

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A Couple of Mooks

"aren't you a master shape-shifter?" asked jam, coyly. "well, yeah," replied oliver, "but i know what to expect with my powers." just then, a thought struck him. "i wonder if i still can." "well, why don't you try it?" oliver concentrated.

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Cries to the Moon: Beneath the Waning Crescent

Hemmington, hemmingway and the original name, hemming, which began as a nick-name for 'shape-shifters' and werewolves." daniel looked at justin jaw gaping. "what happened to the d+ student i knew?" he asked in a worried tone.

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Across the Rift 9

The demon was a shape shifter, jonesy had only seen the demon's true form once, the day the citadel had been raised, and that had been the scariest moment of his life.

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10 - Reflection

"i think ... it was a shape shifter." "oh?" "yeah ... i remember reading something about them once but i don't really remember the details," blue shield shook his head and glanced up at his friend who was watching him carefully.

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Black Magic - Chapter Three: Friends Of The Family

He's a mimic, a sneaky shape shifter that can transform their physical appearance and augment their physical abilities to closely match whatever form they've chosen to take. cats, dogs, birds, men, women, little children; he can do it all.

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The Draconian Story: Chapter 6

It's also from mages, or more precisely, the shape-shifter mages. they came across an idea to make a humanoid dragon, but then the only draconian they knew vanished the day they finished. and so..."

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