The Draconian Story: Chapter 6
#7 of The Draconian Story
The Forbidden Book
"So, Richard, how is your life back in your world?"
"I'm not married yet, I live in solitude in a forest with only my sword at my side, and I'm slowly poisoned by the draconic treasure I carry now."
"You're not dead?"
"Of course I'm not! The poison was not literally a poison; it's making me a dragon slowly. That's the reason of my big build and my legs. That's why you need to know the reasons what a dragon is, and of course I need to know how they feel since I've just became one of the mythical creature in my world that inherited both human's heart and dragon's abilities."
"Oh, I get you...shit, weekend drive."
True enough, the street was littered with many cars honking and people shouting at each other while almost making a chaos with aiming their guns at each other if not for some Union Guard members subduing both of them (coincidentally also stuck in the traffic). They all went to the same way: the center.
"I wonder what happened there," said Richard.
"The town center was facing two separate streets, Xeno and Ikresha Street. I guess that's the reason why. Xeno is a weapon shopping arcade and adult entertainment center, while Ikresha is the family-friendly zone."
"Wait a sec, how can that be a coincidence?!"
"I don't know, ask the draconians making this town."
After parking the car to the nearest long-term parking lot (which was almost full), they walked to the library (which was ironically at the center). But, Richard suddenly felt that if he was a half dragon and sported wings, maybe he could fly there, but when he brought the idea, Juagar shook his head and said, "Hey, your wings can only be use to glide and high jump, not fly."
"But, we're half-dragons after all, right?"
"No, we had no flying muscles, okay? For me, that's simply a decoration."
"If you say those to a dragon, I'll bet one thousand Calmeths that it will devour you in a matter of seconds."
"Oh, so now you play gambling."
"That's how we play our game in our world."
While the golden draconian concentrated, he realized his vision became somewhat far toward one part (but not the end) of the traffic. Despite of some draconian's protests, he jumped over some cars and started to run over the wind. Juagar was still trying to climb on someone's car when Richard had ran away while jumping with great length, much to many draconian's surprise. His dragon legs proved useful to run like wind (since digitigrades were also called 'toe-walkers', they walked like tiptoeing, and that's the reason why cats and dogs could walk slowly and silently. Dragon's variant was scaly, not furry, and sharp retractable claws). Until partway toward the place, he forgot about Juagar, so he ran back and found the draconian tried to cross some cars with no avail.
When he went back to the clearly mad Juagar, he carried him on his back and dashed away while in the way crushing one's hood cap because of their combined weight (and also because of the centered pressure on his toes). After they reached the center, Richard put Juagar down and commented, "You're light for a big draconian like you."
"No, you're the one too strong!" he exclaimed. "I'm weighed almost a hundred kilos and yet you carried me as if I'm a feather!"
"Sorry, but...what the fuck?! A hundred kilos?! But you look slim and..."
"First, I'm almost a hundred kilos, and second, I'm not slim, okay, Mr. Super Drake? Now, let's see...ah, the library is across the road."
When they went in, Richard wasn't very surprised to the layout and the size, but he was surprised on how modern it was. Despite of having old collections, they made the place unlike the derelict library he knew, but this one had white wall and shapes very much like a solid structure starting to tip off. The librarian was at the middle of the modern art deco building, and after they put their weapons (no weapons were allowed inside the library) at the safe-keeping counter, they proceeded to go to the old books sector, with a warning from the librarian that the books were sensitive.
"Okay, this is the place where some of the oldest books in Milsteir were put. We'll gonna have to look one by one..."
"No need, man," interrupted Juagar. "I can find it. It's at the bottom of the second shelf at your left at the rows behind ya. It reads 'Dragon's Myth: Real or Not?'...uh, what kind of name is that?"
Juagar found the indicated book. It was a rather new book covered with hard fiber cover with black color. It was thick and heavy with the title of the book written big enough to see alongside a dragon's picture under it. The dragon's picture itself was a painting-like artwork, but this made Richard uneasy.
"Damn, this picture made this book lousy," he said. "The dragons I knew are gorgeous, handsome, beautiful, and...uh, what?"
"I guess you really love those creatures, huh?"
Richard blushed for a moment, but cleared his throat and opened the hard-covered book. He flipped the papers many times, but Juagar then stopped him and said, "Do your world had the term 'Index'?"
"No, what's that?"
"It's how you find the word you seek. It's usually at the back of the books, but it won't gonna be there if you're reading a novel."
"Alright, I can look forward to that. Now, let's see...dragon 10, 22, 200...what the fuck?"
"Those are the pages it contains. There's no other choice to find them on the three pages. Okay, try ten."
"It only said 'turn to page 200 for better explanation about dragon eyes'," said Richard while opening the page. "Well, that's easy."
"Page 200...let me help ya. Shit, this thing's really heavy."
After they reached the two hundredth page, Richard found some words saying, "The mighty beasts that ruled the land and sky had a great sight distance. Their sight was equivalent to eagles, or so to say. Unlike us, draconians, our mythical cousin proved to be very great in vision, and once said they could see 40 meters away from their current position. It was used to see preys and to alert friends when threat was coming."
"Oh, so that's why I could get precise shooting and long-ranged vision," thought Richard.
"Wow, man. This book is for real. I wonder where this book came from."
"There's no author's name," said Richard. "But, uh, wait a sec...there're some inscription here...draconic?!"
"What? That's more like someone's foul doing..."
"No, it's draconic language! This book is written by a dragon rider and his dragon. But how could they reach here?"
"Maybe the author is a novelist, or maybe imagining a lot."
"But it's a coincidence that these scratch marks said "Viria ne Candofrefh, literally 'To my citizens'. Wait, if this book is thick, maybe they put some draconic words here."
They found the page which was 45, so they turned it and Juagar gasped. The whole page was scratched but still in order. Richard realized this also came from his world, but how? Did the book travelled through dimension like him?
"No, this one's clearly a dragon mage," said Engrak. "They existed in Grandos's days and resided in a magical hidden place out from our real world. No one knew their existence except dragons."
"So, what you say is...they told the world from this book about their experiences. But they clearly say draconians in here."
"Do you know where did draconian legend come from? It's also from mages, or more precisely, the shape-shifter mages. They came across an idea to make a humanoid dragon, but then the only draconian they knew vanished the day they finished. And so..."
Richard gasped and fell to a chair near him. After a long silence, he asked, "Tell me...Engrak...did your ancestors...told you that the information about the mages were gone."
"Yeah, all of it, including the dragon mages. They vanished and lost contact with the dragons that time as I way, there's no way a mage can..."
"Yes they can, and it cost their lives, too. This book is forbidden in our world because it would expose dragon mages' existence to humans, and those Pro-dragons and Anti-dragons would try to make alliance with them in order to win. Are they peace walkers?"
"Hey, Richard, who are you talking to?"
Richard realized Juagar was still beside him, and thus knew he was talking too much to his sword.
"My sword, of course," said Richard, and then he whispered. "Can you convince him?"
"I only talk to the wielder and dragons..."
"Draconians are still dragons."
"Okay, okay, I'll try!"
After a while, a sudden force of pulse came out from the sword and made they flew away and crashed near some shelves, and made the books fell over them. The librarian just boringly said, "If you want to fight don't include the books, okay? It's hard to put them back."
"Oh, shit, what was that? Something just...oh, shit, there's a ghost in the sword!"
"I told you this morning, right?! It's Engrak, my sword."
"Yo, dudes, are you okay? That...was unexpected."
"Who's talking to..."
"Shhh," said Richard while closing his maws. "We're in the library."
Richard took his floating sword (that went out from the safe-keep counter) and sheathed it while properly returning it to the staff (to which he became unconscious). After stating sorry to the lazy librarian, he took some books and put them back to the shelves, then resumed his discussion with the now calmed Juagar.
"So, what can you two say about this...weird book?" said Juagar.
"This book came from the dragon mages," said Engrak inside both draconian's mind. "Then I could say this book is teleported here by the mages. They could because they had dragon magic capacity, but it cost their lives since it's exhausting, based on my conclusion. Oh...wait, I forgot, they made a draconian couple. Oh so that's it."
"What, what can you say?"
Richard then turned to Juagar. "Juagar, your ancestors came from our world, too."
This made Juagar became surprised. ", that means..."
"No, don't get too surprised, okay? You all still the same from our world after all. Hey, I'm really hungry, want to have some food?"
"Richard, maybe you should check out what happened outside first," said Engrak. "I saw some crowds before you went inside."
When they went out, Juagar hit his head using his hand while Richard almost reacted because of their sharp claws and realized that their scales also had the equivalent defense from their claws. The city center was overcrowded Milsteir's draconian citizens having their weekends almost together.
"Wow, I never thought the town could be very crowded in the weekend."
"No, you came on the right time, man."
"What is it?"
"It is New Year Eve tonight, and it'll be a massive party."
"A New Year Eve? Well, I haven't had that kind of party before since I lived inside solitude..."
"You did celebrate that with Ray...although, I can't tell that was a party at all. We just simply moved on through the year, without party," interrupted Engrak.
"How can you party when you had an unstable truce with Northorno?" asked Richard.
"Ah, we can deal with that. The world will know our activities since South Apachia and Northorno are being monitored by the world."
"But then, about that incident..."
Juagar turned serious, and pulled Richard to a restaurant, where he made some orders to the waiter. In there, he said, "The Northorno claimed that they never dispatch any soldiers, and also they claimed the bodies we killed had no nation's insignia. They're nothing but rogue soldiers, and they got the proof from their military logs about their decreasing number of active soldiers and missing ones."
"Someone might refused the truce idea and tried a lot of times to make both of you in war. That Hector Fritz from the store said that a North Apachian seal of what was rumored to be..."
"No, the stealer wasn't a Northornian nor it was a North or South people," interrupted Juagar. "The Guards knew the drake responsible was Gustav Reichberg, our rogue soldier. He claimed he was paid by someone he didn't know, but what's the detail I don't know."
"Sirs, your lunches are ready."
While they ate, Richard realized the restaurant they went in wasn't derelict as the diner he was eating as the first public eating business he went. The place was well-lit with decorations glittering around, and also some bright lights coming out from the ceiling. At the point behind Richard was a round self-service table for salads and in front of them was candlelight, and somehow a romantic place. Realized that this place wasn't a good place for both of them, he whispered, "I'm not a gay, okay?"
"What? Why would you say that?"
"This place is for couples! Did you see all of them? They're not males, but males and females!"
"Yes, I know that. It's the best restaurants in town called L'amour est dans l'air. I chose this place when I was having a honeymoon with Vandel, but also I ate with friends, like Seig."
"So then why are we the only male-male team in here?"
"Just unlucky, after all. Nobody took note to it."
After having a good meal and realized it was sunset, they both went to the cinema (Juagar was a movie craze and he always found the good movies each month). The movie showing that month was an action movie that made Richard winced only by seeing the name of the actor...Gretchen Vairson.
The harsh talking action movie star was coincidentally playing the movie version of his daily TV show, and now Richard found the title was called, 'Land of Liberty' in large font and a smaller one read 'Animals of War' with the slogan said 'The thing they do will destroy all perceptions about animals'.
"Ancestors...," said Richard while gaping. "This is that Grechen movie I watched with those drakes back in the post."
"What? You don't like Gretchen Vairson? He played Terriga 'Terminator' Doick, the war veteran struggling for normal life, but instead involved in many kinds of problem. Terriga was said to be one of the best male fictional character ever. He ranked second only from another action hero, a dragon called Ferixxe."
"Wait...that name was..."
"You still remember? That's the main character in that 'Wingless Tragedy' you watched. It's a shame, really, to have that character died in the last movie. He's the best character I knew."
"He doesn't look like an action hero like this one."
"He was different from Terriga. Ferixxe was the only non-draconian character said to be the best, and also the only character that couldn't directly speak. You see how he spoke, right? He used his mind. Oh, he was an action hero, but also had emotions and understanding to comrades. That's why; both Terriga and Ferixxe got great appreciation from fans alike.
"The actor that provides Ferrixe's voice was Sera de Lautiere, a senior Schewolavian actor who also played an action hero ranked fifth, name Agent Bronsted Viar."
"Uh, can we watch now instead of discussing this matter? We'll gonna miss the opening, and the opening is really annoying for me."