Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty One

"another pocket dimension," i said. ichabod knocked sharply on the wall behind him, and a wooden panel slid open. "take the girl home, garson." "certainly, sir," replied the most british voice i'd ever heard.

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Days Go By: Turning Into You

Arc standing for alternative routing for convoys, was a system designed to take a ship into a small pocket dimension off the side of main space, where the ship could easily accelerate to near light speeds.

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The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 7

The parasitic aliens gave chase, but he was good enough to kill more of them with a unique kind of grenade, trapping the victims in some kind of a pocket dimension.

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The Begining

When in action, their uniforms looked exactly like the army's except with smaller packs due to the fact that the quartermasters kept the essentials in pocket dimensions. breaking that train of thought, the general focused on the corporal.

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World of Cyberon: Manual

Battlefield:- when the participants are ready to commence, they combine their energies in a single point which then expands to create this pocket dimension of sorts, with energy readings similar to those of the cyberverse itself, allowing them to fight to

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Light Bane: Chapter 48

Sometimes, they were harmlessly transported into a pocket dimension, other times they were displaced, though rarely, and supposedly avoidable, some died.

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Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 4

Misty summoned a pocket dimension. rainbow's seen twilight do it a few times. from it came something interesting. it was a thin platform which had a pegasus mare spinning around atop it like one of those girly ballerinas.

No Light to be Seen: Chapter 7

So i decided to play friendly games in the pocket dimension that i call home with his conscious until his body recovered. then i wiped his memories just before i returned him."

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 5: Trust

"and i think it goes on forever, like a pocket dimension or something." "imagine living in there for a hundred years."

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Thirteel Tales From Another World: FIrst Tale

But once hung the items are stored in a pocket dimension. whenever you reach for your belt to grab something the item you want automatically comes to your hand." "that does sound useful." lockely paused and thought for a moment.

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Renzyl's Worldswide Tour, Planet Six: Nexross

"this is actually less of a planet and more of a pocket dimension created when several of our realms intersect with one another.

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