Evolution Ch2: Cruel Intentions
Just before he lost consciousness, he could make out a few words said to him.
I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Four
In the distance, what must have been dozens upon dozens of miles away, he could faintly make out the jagged outlines of mountains. where in the name of everything holy _was_ he?
Sinori's Tale - Chapter Four
- but the pokemon blended into the darkness too well to make out any other details. if it hadn't been for the soft yellow rings glowing through its dark fur, i might not have known it was there at all.
Saerus Makeout (Parsers) [Warmup]
Time seems to crawl to a complete standstill as you make out with him as you get lost in the connection the two of you share. before you know it, you've spent nearly an hour making out with him and resting in his embrace.
2021-08-09 Writing in 3D Exercise
The rest of what i could make out seemed to be a ghillie suit of dead, black bracken all strung together. its face i couldn't make out, but it seemed skeletal in appearance; or severely gaunt.
Back to the roots
The squirrel could see the occasional spec flash beneath them but nothing clear enough to make out. another few moments and the eagle came to a crashing halt as its talons met a familiar perch.
Age of Endeavors Part 2
Eventually, he could make out that it seemed to be a caravan of some sorts. the group seemed to have stopped for now which allowed miraj to close in the distance a little bit. as he got closer he could make out two camels and a single guide.
Astral High - Chapter 23
We came to a table with a ferret and a jaguar, obviously dating, and they stopped making out when they realized we were there. "uh, what's your last name?" [the ferret] "parker?" "okay, that's... here." "okay, and what is this?"
CH 3. Confrontation
She rolled over and kade was there, in the darkness she could make out his naked form. before she could speak he pushed his snout onto hers, and she felt his rough tongue penetrate her mouth.
Our City: Chapter Two
And besides, he could vaguely make out the other smell, faint now, the rain had diluted it, but undeniably there.
Chapter One - Mate
In the pool emanating from the lone security light, all he could make out were the couple of dumpsters and his beat up old vw beatle.
New Mexico (Todd)
We were right in the middle of a make out session when he opened the door. "oh. yeah." wendell says, then sits up, "sorry about that."