This hell known as Earth!
If you buy it comes with this (slides a long sword on the table) i made a couple of swords, but no one is buying so i have been giving them away!
goodbye friends and Ansem computer room
Cloud: sephiroth jake: emo alert cloud: tell me if you see him sora: ok what's he look like cloud: silver hair ,caring a long sword sora: sure will be seeing you cloud cloud: be careful, he messes with your head he makes it seem
Chapter 4
"long swords? what happened to the short swords?" delta asks. a peacekeeper walks in, and takes the box from delta, but he grabs a sword, and takes out his arm.
Chapter 7 - The Star
She wore ancient battle armour and a long sword hung from her belt which was uncommon to see in this day and age. "good to see you awake" she said, looking down at him and not even smiling.
The Capture of Bares Chapter 1
She was an argonian who was armed with a long sword and wore fur armor all over minus the helmet. tilts-her-head an argonian archer who has a fine steel bow and wears leather armor. she usually questions a lot of things.
Planet of Magic
This weapon is known as the blaster blade and is a combination of pistol and long sword. the handle is actually a pistol with a longer handle to act as a sword handle as well. it has a trigger and a muzzle with a sword blade at the tip of the muzzle.
It's Dueling Time!!!! ch.2
And all of the monsters diaapered and a silver hurricane appeared making all of the people panic and a wolf came out with a 21 feet and 19 feet wide long sword and his attack points are 90,500 (due to the field spells affect) everybody was in awe of sora his
The Warrior's Dove Ch: 4
An english long sword was what he held, and the gasps of people within the tavern around him started up. they backed up, and stared at the creature, terror within their eyes. after saying something, he went for me.
We all cheered, shaking our weapons; mitch with his long sword and a gun strapped to his back; eifie with her claws; krystal with a gun given to her by mitch; and me, with my two swords, and a whole heap of nerve.
Life as a anthro chapter 3 Val the lonely wolf
Val said drawing his long sword. " dantaf, don' you forget it." he said as he signaled his 4 minions to close in. " val i'll take the three in the back."
Advent, Chapter 3-Meeting
Each had a rifle-like device attached to their back, a long sword in a hilt on either side of their hip, and armor that glinted in the dawning sun.
Jace Gets Bested
That brief moment of a hormone driven thought nearly cost him dearly as he noticed movement at his back, one of the thugs predictably behind him hoping to quickly run him through with a thrust from his long sword.