Journey to another world pt2 ch87

I said aloud as both rena and jenavee jumped out of bed and over to their little ones.

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A Ode to a Lost and Bewildered Friend

little one of attention, little one of desire, little one of affliction you know what transpires.

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Hell Fights Back story one - The Demon's Chance

You're safe with me, little one. safe. i promise." she nodded. she believed him.

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The Taste of Terror Chapter 2: Epilogue

I will promise you this, little one." the gryphon bent his sleek, feathered head to look his trembling captive straight in the eye. the devastating intensity of his glare seemed to impale alex's mind.

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Earning citizenship the hard way

"shh, no tears little one your supposed to cry it's what little cubs do" the nurse took pitty on the scared little fox and pressed his muzzle to her soft breast, the fur becoming damp, but still warm.

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Princess of Knives

"he will live, little one, but at a cost. you will have to be strong for him and help him with the journey ahead."

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Journey to another world pt2 ch88

That's when i thought about jenavee and how she too had said that her little one had gotten a new outfit as well and turned to her.

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Getting dressed

"shh, little one, you know i always take care of you, yes?" i blush, and nod, knowing that he speaks true.


Sera's Story

The little ones were not yet awake so she came in quietly and gave each one a bottle to both wake them, and keep them silent.

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Papa, what is Christmas?

"you're right little one christmas means so much more. presents and decorations are nice, but really it's about celebrating the spirit of love, peace and generosity with your family & friends.

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Taking the Consequences

The older girls sat at a table to play a board game while the little ones sat in the playpen amongst the toys. as they played, marina and wish grew more restless.

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A past Relived

Sat next to me, her voice soft, she said to me, "you know you need a name little one, how about bicora?"

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