Heart's Longing Message - Short Story

One bore a great sword and the other a spear, angels! i recognized them as the angels, michael the protector and raphael the healer, coming to welcome me into heaven. as they approached i withdrew a bit, nervous to be in their presence.

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Another Day

To keep his balance, he discarded the sickle in the skull of the demon and summoned a great sword, which was soon forced into the thick demon's head and used as a handle.

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Stone and Wolf (Part 9)

The great sword clattered to the ground and the momentum of the beast's throws of pain bucked lyke back and forth. lyke thought the blade would surly bend under the strain, but it stayed firm. "i'll crush you!" the minotaur bellowed.

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Past Life Ch 1

Terrance just raised his paw forward and summons his great sword. "alright," john said as he swung the weapon a few times. "how do we do this today?" "how about me and chris versus you two?" jeremiah asked.

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The Plushie Dungeon Two! [Comm]

The mustelid grunted, staggering back a few steps and dropped his great sword. "the lot of you couldn't kill a deer, let alone a giant gopher! what is this, knight preschool?"

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A Wolfs Heart, Part Three: Emerging Shadows

His deep tan fur was shining in its glory as usual, and his great sword was sheathed at his belt. he was wearing a chain plate as well as a chain skirt, and the customary guard helm with his golden trimmings that made it clear he was the captain.

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The Outlander 2 15

To his left he saw a mouse, with what looked like a great sword strapped across his back, sitting on a low wall by the dojo's gate.

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The Inner Animal

I yipped as i saw my death spiraling towards me, but the tiger jumped in front of the arrow to hit it away with his great sword.

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The Coffin: Part 2

"out of curiosity, did you happen to come across a great sword? it's big, curved, single edged. like a falchion, but massive." "oh, that," said astari, quite jovially, giving the wolf a toothy smile.

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The End and The Beginning - Chapter 5

"bits and pieces mostly a few rings i made a belt most of it i can't tell you about or what they do and one item i wish i never traded was a two-handed great sword that was stolen after the trade and later to be found out that it was a cursed item and it's

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