Two Hearts, One Love (Pokemon): Part 1 - A Tormented Beauty
But even in such a state, and even if it wasn't the perfect time to notice such things, the fire type remarked her unexplainable beauty.
The games: Chapter 6- How to meet your enemies...
Being one of the only two fire types, she was bombarded with requests. fire was necessary to keep warm at night... the door opened. brey had a perfect view of the door and saw yet another lopunny walk in with two chosen...
Chapter 1: The Beginning
So the two went to enjoy the movie leaving two sweat dropped fire-types all alone. "hey what about us!" said chimchar and charmander simultaneously. "ay yo, youll find sumthin to do!"
Shifters: Chapters 5-8
They were both fire types, they could help out and they weren't about to get burnt now were they?
Shocking Flame
Fitting to a fire type, she uses fire type attack that could burn anyone to ashes and because great forest fires, and i have tried to emulate this, it's been my dream to compete in battles, luckily this program, has a battling team. i hope to join it.
Two Hearts, One Love (Pokemon): Part 2 - I Think I Like You
The fire type walked away, looking at the nearest tree. the first thick stick he saw he gripped with his jaw, bringing it over and placing it near faith while she watched. "for your leg..."
Operation Snowpoint
You ladies are ice-types, and they apparently have fire-types at their disposal..." "i'm not afraid of fire-types, and i'm not afraid of humans, either!" the glaceon suddenly lets out, dropping her calm demeanor. cascade almost jumps back in surprise.
Journey to another world pt2 ch76
Both types are strong against fire types, which will put kit at a major disadvantage.' i looked behind me on my belt and contemplated my options.
Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt2
The fire-type's own bulk hadn't quite failed him yet, though, as he suddenly yelled out and released a reversal.
The Human Species Ch. 30 - Original Rival Blue
Just when lucario and rukario were about to jump it, the fire-type suddenly exploded into a huge ball of flames.
Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt3
The fire-type just stood there in the middle of the field, stunned for a moment all ten minutes of the double battle had passed already.
Moo Moo Milk
She puts his back-end into her maw, saliva pooling forth at the very flavor of the fire-type. a slight spice flavor was in his fur. but also sweet, probably from the pecha berries he ate at.