He took to it as a fish takes to water, and to half a dozen other martial skills, from bow and arrow to fighting unarmed. by the time gwyson was ten he was chafing to be allowed to begin his training as a squire.
Alabaster and the Ring of Winter (excerpt)
Though unarmed, alabaster could sense the raw power flowing through the veins of this one, and his hand drifted to the hilt of his dagger involuntarily, going on guard.
Through Hell [Gorgon/Naga TF/TG] Part 5
"very risky maneuver," bendali said, "only really good against unarmed opponents. any real foe with a spear would have skewered him then and there." the captain of the guard frowned. "bastard's just showing off."
Chapter One: Dreams of A Visionary
"are you really going to wander blindly into the arid desert unarmed and alone?" ky'ulla made no effort to stop and replied "well i'm not 'wandering' per say, i've got a good feeling about where i'm going. and i'm not alone i've got you!"
The Search for Ka'Le (4/15)
"i have your scent now, zen," he warned as the other two unarmed their crossbows as well. "remember that."
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Seventeen
The attackers were unarmed, fighting with nothing more than their own fists against an entire army of soldiers. why would they attack an army on its way to battle?
The Stray Cat: Ch. 14
Logic won out as he realized two armed opponents would probably beat an unarmed one. he gave a snarl and stomped toward the door. "you fuckers watch your backs," he warned. "next time there'll be more of us. lots more."
The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Thirty Three
Porter demanded, realizing too late that he was unarmed now. flicker was still stubbornly refusing to answer his call, and he'd just thrown his only weapon, as pathetic as it was, at the slayer.
A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 17-The Testament
There were several gunshots as more westerns jumped into the trench and killed the two brothers, the northern and pinned the female with the sniper rifle and the unarmed male. "i'mma make this one my bitch!", the western laughed.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 12
Azazel had no time to take the sword before belial powered his hands with hellfire and punched and kicked azazel in a flurry of unarmed combo before he delivered a strong uppercut towards azazel.
Loyal Dogs: The Traitor Chapter 1
Even if he wasn't, he was unarmed; going against trained soldiers would be suicide. the lunar sanctum was built like a maze, and in the middle of nowhere. there was nowhere to go even _if_ he made it outside.
Zootopia: Brave New World - Shocking Developments
Judy and nick struggled as they had been caught off-guard by it, and now, they were unarmed and completely helpless. the elephant smirked as he saw that the possible threat had been completely neutralized.