Chapter 43 The Flame is Lit
A slave that could read and write would under normal circumstances pose a threat - because then they could escape far easier, bribe their owners with precious information, or work as spies against their own masters. but the beaucerons were not a threat.
Intro to the Wonderbolts Initiative & your Flight Magic Primer
Unicorns take care of magical threats and help the tribes light up the world around them. earth ponies form much of the foundation of our society and their hard work keeps us fed.
No Light to be Seen: Chapter 12 Part 1
The alarm would of course alert everyone in the building of the threat and send every armed personnel converging to that point . too bad that darkrai already struck.
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 2-B
"did this, fox, as you call him, seem to be a threat?" "he wouldn't be a threat, no," blurted out cream suddenly. just after the rabbit had realized her mistake, all eyes were set on the rabbit's small frame.
SWAT Kats: Vampire Stalker, Ch 1-4
The threat of dr. viper made her very afraid for the katizens of this city. she feared they were in for a nightmare ride worse than any they'd survived before.
Tutorial (Part 2)
"sythius is no longer a threat," syrion said. "agents of the nine, you and all who aspire to secure world order are brethren of dragonkin," akharan said. "we cannot deny our nature.
Savage City: Day Two: Incoming.
#2 of savage city judy and nick get called back into work as a city wide threat is revealed, while coming from an old foe.
Secrets Ch. 14
I nod waiting for him to continue, "so when you said that you would be honest with me about any threats your secrets posed to my pack?"
MF-Ep10-The Rich Kids-
While yeah it was a semi effective threat, as dominique has a video of chester going into a painting and the class of middle school kids being rescued as well, but it wasn't as effective as the video could have been faked so either way it was dangerous.
Forgotten Friendship part 3
You can tell who's around you at all times and know if there are any threats." it explained how he kept rolling away when i tried to jump on him days ago. he just wasn't aware of it till now.
Calling In the Big Guns
"how stupid do you have to be, robert, to come straight to the most important god in the city when you're being followed by a threat."
The same words as ever greet me, an indecipherable wall of text, message after message, threat after threat. i am the bad guy in this scenario. of course i am. there is no other explanation, not in their eyes. there never will be. am i the bad guy?