No Light to be Seen: Chapter 12 Part 1
#12 of No Light to Be Seen
Part 1 and 2 happen in the exact same time frame, this is why these two are being uploaded at the exact same day. Because why not?
To protect myself from copyright: I do not own Pokemon franchise in any way so Nintendo please don't send your ninja's after me.Thank you!
Credit for helping me write goes to Snow and friends as per usual
Reader do the thing you do that helps betters the story/let writer know his work is complete crap since I can't know if I'm doing something wrong if no one tells me.
All was quiet in the Braxter's residence besides the shick of walkie-talkies cutting in and out with a mumble or two here and there, all the guards were to tired and bored to hold up the once happily fast paced radio traffic that was heard hours before.
There were two guards to each family member's bedroom door (even the one that held Bleu) all armed with both Pokémon and armed to the teeth in tactical weaponry. To prevent mistakes, around the clock shifts was deemed necessary to trade out tired guards with a fresher pair every couple hours. Servants had all went home during the start of the day so the numerous guards would have a place to sleep until the boy left in the morning. Ghost and dark type sensors dotted every nook in cranny of the residence so they weren't blind to invisible attacks.
Darkrai wasn't going to so much as sneeze without someone knowing.
The stick-like figure guard on the left side of the boy's parent's room door yawned loudly for what seemed like the 50th time that night despite the gallons of caffeine he chugged before his shift and even during. Evidence was the empty cans of soda and the numerous cups of Styrofoam cups that were once filled of coffee that littered the hallway floor. Didn't seem to help him stay awake though, just made him twitchy and jittery. The guard next to a him had more than a slight gut that wasn't quite hidden with his shirt despite his persistent attempts to fix that problem; he was the reason why the hallway was littered with empty snack packages.
Their little spot in the hallway looked like a pair of frat boys lived in it and not full grown military men; their slacker attitudes made them match that frat boy image to a T. It wasn't any sort of surprise that they were the bottom of the barrel, the only mystery was the reason they hadn't been fired from their jobs yet. No one in the military was worried even though their weakest links were on duty. After all Darkrai couldn't so much as sneeze into the place without someone knowing; so all the two idiots had to do was hit the panic button that would trigger an alarm if there was even the slightest abnormal thing spotted in the vicinity. The alarm would of course alert everyone in the building of the threat and send every armed personnel converging to that point .
Too bad that Darkrai already struck.
"ugh so boored and my bladder feels like it's to explode" complained twitchy
A stomach growled "Fucking shut up! you think you have it bad? I had to take a massive dump for since one-thirty!" It was 1:45 "Hopefully that Azumarill will get here soon or I'll fucking die" The Beedrill and Butterfree seemed like they were in a similar state.
Bleu was the reason the two didn't have to leave their post to get their steady stream of snack and caffeine. Bleu had been rather active ever since the week started; just wandering the halls and taking midnight strolls to wherever she felt like it. The family said to ignore it, said she had been acting rather bi-polar for weeks now and her behavior wasn't something to worry about or even pay attention to.
Not that any of the guard's minded she seemed to want to help them all to get though the night. Not only did she provide sweets and refreshments for everyone on duty but she also kept watch when nature called. To everyone on this ridiculous guard duty over just one boy with no other information than what/who to be on the lookout for: Bleu was a blessing.
"Azu Azu Azu Azu-ma Azu zu zu maril!" There was the song they were waiting on! Bleu had been singing that same tune right before she went up to each post; probably too avoid getting shot like she almost did when she first silently approached the sleeping pair guarding Elliot's door on the midnight shift. The song made every Pokémon out on duty uneasy and immediately defensive the first few times they heard the song but after that they had gradually relaxed over time when they realized she wasn't a threat. Thanks to the language barrier the humans could only assume that it was a violent nursery rhyme she had stuck in her head.
"Thanks lil lady you're a life saver!" The pair whispered as to not awake anyone as the foursome sprinted to the bathroom. Bleu just used an arm that wasn't gripping the strange boxes that she was consistently carrying around throughout the night to give her version of a thumbs up as she tried to stifle her silent almost maniacal giggles. After her fit she continued to sing as she went to work before the guardsmen returned:
Master has a plan oh yes he does!
Do what is written and nothing could go wrong!
1) First sleep all day and then take a joyful strolls wherever you wish!
Seemed Bleu forgot the next few steps but couldn't get the paper that had them without going back in her room for the case that carried them, which of course would be a waste of time. Darn!
5) Next when strange men cometh, At night inject syringes labeled 'Guardsmen' in food and drink that you deliver every hour or just when they ask for it. Oh look how funny they look as they waddle to the toilet like your love when he has eaten a bad fish!
6)Once gone take their post and do nothing first time. Leave and repeat the number 5 once more before they have to do the number 2 again!
Bleu giggled as she slipped into the parent's bedroom with a box in one hand and two syringes in other paw. As she sung under her breath.7)After they have are gone for second time is when Bleu is allowed to a bad bad rabbit! Take syringe and inject it into its designated victim. Bleu climbed on the bed while carefully avoiding the large lumps underneath the blanket that held her love and the vile bitch next to him until she found a exposed portion of arm on the both of them, took aim, and stabbed the two while simultaneously pushing the button that would send the poison though their system.
Unlike the brother and sister that died in their sleep (who Bleu thinks are just sleeping really heavily); these two awoke with wide eyes but couldn't move or even shout in pain. All they could do was watch Bleu fling the used needles across the room as she was overcome by another giggle fit. When she became aware that they were awake as she put a finger to her lips and said:
"shhh Azu Azum Azumarill! [shhh don't wanna wake neighbors!"] she continued to giggle as she left the room. The drug seemed to paralyze the parents bodies and vocal cords but not their frightened minds or other senses; meaning they were completely aware of what was about to take place. All the couple could do was make eye contact as they tried uselessly to fight whatever drug they were influenced under and pray their children were safe.
Few minutes later only two of the foursome on guard duty were coming back from their bathroom break "Still can't believe those two just passed out in midair like that! what do you think happened? " The skinny on was gazing at a Poke ball clutched in his hand. The fat one was clutching a Pokedex that appeared to be analyzing the ball in his hand. "I'm about to find out if you just be patient and shut the fuck up!"
The two huddled around the screen "fainted from the move Toxic poisoning?" they read aloud at the same time. They stopped and simultaneously scratched at their heads before a light bulb popped above their heads also simultaneously . "You don't think it was the refreshments do you?" Panic both lit up on their faces as they rushed with their guns drawn to where they left the Azumarill with the panic button.
Bleu was gone and the button was smashed to pieces with what appeared to be a hammer lying right next to the remains.
"Ah shit! if that's what I think it is we're in trouble! Guard my back as I check on th- Ack!" Bleu had came out of another nearby room and used the cover of darkness to slowly creep up behind the tubby guard until he was within lunging distances and then stabbed another syringe into the guard's leg.
He was dead before he even hit the floor. The other was too surprised to even react and by the time he reacted Bleu had already used Aqua Jet to lunge the small distance between them. The poor guy could only let out a small shout and a large huff of air as he was tacked in the stomach and fell wheezing to the floor. The skinny guy tried to fight Bleu off but couldn't because she would just immediately leap right back on every time he managed to push her off. Every time he opened his mouth it would be filled with jet of water so he couldn't call for help.
The guy didn't wear any armor on his legs or arms Meaning Bleu had plenty of targets to plunge the deadly syringe into and the fight would be over . What was strange (putting all other strange things aside) was the fact that she didn't once he was restrained, disturbingly she appeared to be enjoying herself as she played with her prey; laughing like a maniac the entire time while she hovered over one portion of skin before quickly switching to another spot to hover over.
Got to wake up the folks the skinny guy thought desperately as he pulled back for another punch this time it was timed during a moment he saw Bleu close her eyes for a blink then hit her square in the nose when she opened them again. This launched her off and thanks to the moment of surprise and pain Bleu was kept distracted long enough for the guard to have enough time to enter the bedroom and yell "Your Azumarill has lost it! she- what the hell!?" The guard saw his charges eyes were wide open but stiff and unmoving besides their silently moving mouths that were mouthing the same three things over and over. Took the guard a moment to figure out what they were saying because the mouths were moving so fast.
"Can't move"
"Can't speak"
"Run get kids!" their fearful gaze suddenly turned ones of terror as their gazes shifted to doorway before going back to the skinny guy than back to door and repeat as they began simultaneously mouthing to fast to follow
"Slow down can't understand..."said skinny guard
They looked sad as they slowly mouthed "Look behind you..." That was when a sharp pain erupted from the guard's leg and he heard a maniacal giggle "Azu zu!"
The meaning was clear even to someone that couldn't understand Poketongue "Got you!"
"Fuck..." was his last coherent thought as his limbs shut down immediately all at once and then he began to feel his organs shut down one by one. The guard's last moments was listening to the demonic rabbit laugh maniacally and to his heart slowing from a erratic ,scared, and living heartbeat:
to a slow paced rhythm on that reminded him of his wife's heart beat when she lay fast asleep next to him after a long day at work
than it slowed down to nearly nothing
Than oblivion consumed him completely.
Bleu on the other hand was still giggling as she began to sing:
_Master has a plan oh yes he does!
Do what is written and nothing could go wrong!_
8) Ambush the guard's only after they are done speaking to the ones taking over their shift. Use whatever means necessary to inject the second more black solution with the number 2 written on the label into each guard as silently as possible
What's next! what's next!
9) Hide bodies in a empty room and lock the door with the keys I will give to you on the night that I order you to complete your task.
Bleu giggled as she dragged the bodies into the room she came out of earlier that was completely filled with dead humans and Pokémon dying in their Poke ball's if they weren't treated soon. Very doubtful Bleu would take them anywhere anytime soon or ever for that matter.
Wouldn't want to upset the Master after all.
_Master has a plan oh yes he does!
Do what is written and nothing could go wrong!
Whatever he orders isn't wrong! It's for love after all!_
Bleu sung the last two lyrics over and over again as she worked; Finally she was finished with that step.
What's next! What's next! What's next!
10) Make sure to dispatch the ones you missed that lie asleep in their bed.
Luckily Bleu had done this bit just before she went to do in the last two of the twenty-ish guards. Bleu didn't know for sure how many exactly she had killed since she had seemed to have lost count after the 19th or so. Which was funny because she had to count the exact number of the people staying for the night before tonight's events unfolded so Master could give her the exact amount of syringes.
No one even dreamt of the possibility of cute little spoilt princess Blue finally snapping under the horrible pressure of a broken contract and Darkrai's power of torturous nightmares every time she closed her eyes for two seconds. Nor did they probably expect how devious she could be when it came to killing people.
What? You didn't think she only used the syringes did you? Heck no that would be so boring! Which meant she may have fibbed just a little on the exact number on the people staying so she could have some fun but what Master didn't know won't hurt him! As long as she got the job done that's all that really mattered.
11) Grab video camera from wherever you hid it- _Hidden in a air vent that had a clear view of the hallway. Duh! Was making a fun home movie after all.-and place it in a spot the brightly lit parent's bedroom in a spot so that can record everything._ Did Master think she was an idiot that didn't know how to film a home movie? No not Master that wasn't even a possibility! He loves her! Silly her thinking thoughts like that.
12) Finally go play the games that I taught you how to play in your dreams. Don't be shy! Be creative! Say and do whatever you want to your love. Besides not including him in the fun and games, that's just mean! This is really all for him in the end isn't it? Just make sure it's all recorded for my friend Elliot to enjoy. Open last box that I gave to you with the camera.
Wouldn't want to forget to include Elliot after all who long ago with the help of her and the Master was tucked in comfortably under a blanket and few chords of darkness summoned by her Master to stop the baby from rolling out of his crib that lay in the guestroom right next to her love's bedroom. This event had took place after she turned off all the annoying alarms with a blast of water right before she eliminated all threats to the game besides the two numbskulls that made a mess in the hallway.
Jasper was not going to be pleased when he finds that mess.
Whoops seemed she seemed to have gotten distracted like a dunce. Master will be upset if she didn't hurry! Master did want this all done by a certain time after all. Now...
Bleu opened a box she was told not to open until everything else was done. She then picked up 3 new syringes and read the last step aloud: 13) Before you begin the games. Inject these into the parents before you begin. Allows them to talk but has a powerful paralyzing agent and a few other effects that lasts for hours. Just enough time for some fun. The last one is for Elliot Bleu went back into the trash room to receive a combat knife from one of the guard's corpse and then whistled a happy tune as she turned the knob to enter her love's bedroom.
She stopped moving and whistling just before opening the door to gaze worriedly down the hallway toward the direction of the other children's rooms "Hopefully my babies don't wake up from all the screaming from the fun that is about to happen." Bleu shrugged "They were sleeping so peacefully and heavily that Bleu don't think a parade could wake them" With her conscious (what's left of it anyway) silenced Bleu entered the bedroom whistling again and shut the door with a slight barely perceived click.
Bleu didn't bother locking it. After all who was going to interrupt? She started to giggle again as she set up the camera then faced her pr- playmates! who were looking at her as if she was insane.
She wasn't insane though. Just head over heels in love with only a tiny tiny tiny bit of jealousy and hatred attached and directed toward the whore that was in the bed with her love. That was in the past though, after all there wasn't any way possible the whore was going to win the game they were about to play for all her Paul's love.
First one to grab the knife had first turn. For her turn she had been practicing on the guards all night long in preparation for! Too bad the whore was going to be shocked at her craftsmanship to the point of not taking a turn; which meant Bleu won by default! Bleu couldn't wait to play her favorite game with her love to celebrate after removing the loser from the room to be added with the other filth. Then she had to clean her mess before the act because she wasn't going to do the deed in the whore's fluid's and she knew Paul wouldn't want to either. Than it was time for another bath because Paul hated being sweaty (which was a shame because Bleu loved the smell of his musk) and then and only then:
Would Paul be her's and only her's.
Too bad Paul had to die so he can't get together with another whore but it would be quick if a little painful because Bleu had to show her love how much his betrayal hurt her. But she knew that with enough time any and all wounds will eventually heal. Bleu knew there will be retribution for all of her actions though; she wasn't stupid after all. But when the time for punishment came she will gladly welcome it with open arms. After her punishment the princess will live happy ever after with her prince and knight in shining armor all rolled into one. To Bleu this was the perfect ending to the most perfect fairy tale ever.
So it wasn't much of a surprise that Bleu couldn't stop herself from giggling in anticipation.