The Start Of High School: A Second Chance

My eyes then widen as the text message was from dante. the message said that he wanted to talk to me at the park near his place. so i had to think on my feet of what to say to everyone so i could go see him without them being suspicious.

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Sonic.EX3: Chapter11

I would duck back after getting enough visual understanding, only to stare at the screen when it showed noiseless text of the reception on the other end. "good." read the text. "make sure those papers are properly disposed of.

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A Trial by Three

With that our texting for the night pretty much ended i flipped through my cell's contact list and found jason's number. i'll text him in the morning to remind him. i'd do it now but i'm way too tired.

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Broken Words: Chapter 9

Jayden wanted to see francis' smile and the twinkle of his eyes behind the monochromatic text. "if you do go, you know what i like."

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Rexville 35: New Light

Hunter received another text. it was xavier. he texted, _"where are you? are you with keanu? i forgot to give him his gift!_" hunter texted him where to find him, they were near the station, so it wouldn't be so hard to miss.

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Love Song [A Rock Dog FanFiction]

Of course she wasn't going to come outright and say that she wanted to find out why bodi hasn't responded to her recent texts. "thanks!" bodi cheered, smiling.

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Of Wolf and Jackal Pt.2

"oh it's nothing, just my roommate texting me is all. i'm just confused because he never texts me during school.

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A Bitter Sweet Farewell

Anyway the following text is not to be taken seriously or the actions are not to be duplicated for any reason. this story contains an attempt at suicide that may or may not be successful.

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Izzy Character Profile

He is also a he loves to read and spends most if not all of his time hiding with a book in his paws, completely absorbed in the text.

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Jenna's Halloween

Occasionally she received a text from tj or kudzu asking if everything was alright. figures, they were always the more attentive parents. she quickly reassured them, and gradually the texts became more sporadic.

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sora's love

Sora gave a small twitch and said "cus i hate school" he said he finished his breakfast head still in his text book and headded off to school when got there his best friend silver a white headgehog came to greet him "morning sora ready for


Fate, Destiny or strange luck - Chapter 3 - Let the Show begin ( Reforged )

Vampires are alive and we will be forever young vampires are alive and we will be forever young once the text ended, rosy slashed the two balls in the direction of the "moon" and then he over rounded her.

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