Song of the Huntress - Part 3
If they had, it wasn't clear on that night, for the afternoon and evening were stormy and heather found herself stuck in the lodge. september the third was similar, rain and wind all day and all night.
One Last Gift
With a deep warble, she tapped his nose with her talons, "i have a surprise for _you_ my stormy cloud." "and what might that be my sea lilly?" he licked her nose, only for her to bat his face.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 59
Diamond orbs rippled by waves of tears were more restless than a stormy sea, spilling from the banks of the eyelids the moment a shriek of pure agony blasted from the opened mouth. "go away!"
Indigo Nights- Chapter 21: The Zenith
Aarden yells, stretching his mind further as minutes build to hours, and the rising sun slips back into a stormy night.
Shattered Stone (Part 2)
She leaned out the window, looking behind them at black clouds gaining on the carriage with an unnatural speed, roiling like a stormy sea.
Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 6
Noble heart shouted as the cloud car sped towards a castle with many spear-like spires shooting upward into the sky and constructed of purple stone nestled on a perpetually stormy cloud system.
The Payment
And when i'm dead and gone, someone will find this and learn a little about what really did happen during those dark and stormy years, when the canines went to war.
Windows to the Soul - chap. 23-24 - by Skyfox
"i'll try to be quiet for you to sleep, stormy." "thank you for your concern. i have set the time alert to wake us a quarter tar before arrival," said storm as he stretched out and rested his head on the pillow border.
Zootopia: First Salvo chapter 13
The prow of the destroyer rain collided with the on-coming wave and threw up a big splash of water and heavy mist as it cruised along slowly through the stormy waters of the tundra strait.
Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 5
Not nearly as vicious as the torrent that swept banno away on that stormy autumn night so long ago, but ander could still feel it pushing and flowing around his legs, trying to trip him up. maybe that wouldn't have been so bad by itself. he was sturdy.
Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 17 - The Drums of War
The room was only dimly lit, with a fire blazing in the hearth and a half dozen candles struggling against the stormy gloom. the whole space echoed with the sounds of heavy rain pattering against the huge window overlooking keiser's bay.
What was it about stormy days that always seemed to make a storm of bad emotions swirl inside her, anyway? reaching out, she took a breath, then knocked on the door.