Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 17 - The Drums of War

Story by Farfener on SoFurry

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#17 of Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story

Sieg and Marien, two Basitins in love.

Fanfiction written for a Sketch by Tom Fischbach

Sieg and Marien - Part 17

As he walked towards the fortress, Sieg felt as if it was the longest walk he had ever taken. The sun was just rising into the sky, the morning mist that covered the docks and the city beginning to lift. Sieg was tired, in fact he was exhausted, but there was something he had to do.

"I need to talk to Marien. I need... to tell her what happened."

As he walked, the road seemed to stretch forever, yet before Sieg knew it, he was standing before the gate.

"Identify yourself!" One of the guards atop the wall called out.

"Lieutenant Sieg Kolvest of the Harbour Guard. I'm here to see Marien Kolvest."

"Do you have clearance to enter?"

Sieg raised an eyebrow, "Clearance? What kind of clearance, I'm a member of the city garrison!"

"By order of Lieutenant General Kolvest, all persons entering this fortress must have his personal clearance."

"Off for fu- No, I don't have clearance! Let me talk to him! He's..." Sieg sighed heavily, "He's... my father..."

"I'm sorry sir, the lieutenant general is very busy and has asked not to be disturbed by anyone."

"Alright well... Can you tell Captain Marien Kolvest that I'm here?"

"I'm sorry sir, the Captain is also busy at the moment."


"Thank you for coming to see me, Captain." Conrad nodded as his aide set a steaming cup of tea on the low table in front of Marien's chair. "I know It is early, but we have some important matters to discuss."

"It would have been hard to refuse, General." Marien replied, her arms crossed across her chest as she met Conrad's gaze, a scowl etched upon her own face. "Your reputation suggests you are not a man to ignore. Word is that people who feud with you... tend to vanish. Frankly, I expected to have vanished a long time ago, or at least for someone to try."

"A ridiculous rumour started by my enemies. Besides, you are my daughter in law, you have nothing to fear from me." Conrad stood from his desk and approached the low table between the two chairs.

What had once been the office of Major Dauntless was now the private quarters of Lieutenant General Conrad Kolvest and the headquarters of the Second Legion. The desk was the same, as were the chairs, but the feeling of the room had changed. Where there once had been shelves holding trinkets and souvenirs from students young and old, now there were large banners bearing the Basidian Symbol, and the crest of the Kolvest Family. On the wall behind the desk, where once Major Dauntless had kept a painting of her own son, instead was the chestplate of a Royal Guard's armour, a gash torn through its center which was ringed with long dried blood. Marien had recognized the customized throat guard and the small carving of a lily on the left breast the moment she had stepped inside, the armour had been Renner's.

"Now," Conrad sat and picked up his tea. "Before we get started. I would like to... clear the air between us."


"Firstly, Captain... I have been observing your unit and its training regime. I must say, I am very impressed."

"Thank you General."

"You are a dutiful soldier and a solid warrior. You have well and truly surpassed all of my expectations. However... we do have our... differences."

"Am I to assume that this is the part where you will yet again go into the reasons you don't feel I am right for your son?" Marien set down her tea and got to her feet. "With respect, General, I have more important things to attend to than personal matters. So unless you have finally worked up the courage to order me to leave Sieg using your authority as a General-"

Marien paused as Conrad held up a hand, his voice firm but not aggressive. "Captain, please, sit."

Slowly Marien sat back down.

"As... disrespectful, as that statement was, I cannot say it is entirely without just cause, so I shall forgive it."

"How magnanimous of you." Marien snarled under her breath.

"I have made no secret of my concerns in regards to you and my son. I thought you were hot-headed, impulsive, violent, and uncouth. And while those are less than ideal attributes in a mate, they are functional attributes in a soldier, and you have proven yourself a competent soldier."

Conrad took a sip of tea before continuing. "My feelings regarding you and my son have not changed, that is true. However, I am a soldier first, and as a soldier it is my duty to utilize my resources, regardless of personal feelings."

"Again, with respect sir, I am not one of your 'resources'. I am under the command of General Silver, not the Second Legion."

"I am afraid that is no longer the case, Captain. My promotion to Lieutenant General has given me full command of the Basikal Garrison forces, including your squad."

Immediately the bottom dropped out of Marien's stomach. Conrad showed no outward emotion, no sign of gloating or victory, but Marien could feel a terrible dread gathering in her gut.

"I understand you are planning an expedition to the front with Lord Chariot, correct?"

"We were to depart this time next year, but..." Marien's hand unconsciously drifted to her stomach. "But things have changed. I would like to deploy within the month."

"Unfortunately, that will be impossible."

Her fears confirmed, Marien felt a flash of anger run up her spine. Despite her anger, she kept her voice steady. "Sir?"

"Lord Chariot will be unable to oversee the operation, and the Goliath fleet has been reassigned. I'm afraid your operation is cancelled."

"Cancelled? General, we've planned this operation to the last detail for months!"

"And you did an exemplary job, but it is over."

Resisting the urge to leap up and shout, Marien nodded, "I see... I assume I am being demoted then?"

Conrad raised an eyebrow, "Demoted? Captain, I intend to promote you to Lieutenant Colonel."

Marien froze, "L-lieutenant Colonel?!"

Delicately setting his tea cup down, Conrad stood and walked over to the door. Opening it a crack he called to his secretary, "Secrecy Protocols Mr. Payne, level one."

"Yes, General."

As Conrad closed the door, he drew a thick cotton curtain across it.

Dropping back into his chair, Conrad leaned forwards. "What I am about to tell you is top secret and must not leave this room, understood?"

Marien nodded, "Of course sir."

"All operations against the Western Alliance are, from this moment on, suspended."

Marien blinked in surprise, "Suspended? Is the war ending?"

"For now at least, yes."

Even if she were given a hundred years, Marien would be unable to list all of the emotions that flashed through her mind. It was a rush, a cacophony of feeling that left her utterly at a loss for words. The war, the war that had gone on for thousands of years, the war that had ruined so many lives, including her own, was over.

"There is, however, another enemy to fight"

The words sent a chill through the room.

"I want you to take command of the Entire Basikal Garrison, as well as troops from my second legion, as operation commander. You will coordinate with Commodore Thomas Schtafen, who will be in command of the Goliath and Titan Fleets which will be arriving in port within the week. Once our troops are loaded, you will take them out to sea, proceed to the southern coast of the Human Empire, and attack the Imperial fleet at Calmbirth Harbour."

Marien was in complete shock. "We're attacking the Human Empire!"

Again Conrad stood from his chair, folding his hands behind his back as he strode around the room, examining his various models of ships and weapons. "The human empire has been gathering forces for months to attack Basidian, and our intelligence tells us that they intend to deploy the largest part of their fleet from Calmbirth. We will crush their invasion before it starts"

A million questions ran through Marien's mind, but there was one that rang the loudest. "But why would the Empire attack us? Their war with the wolves-"

"Is a disaster, that is true." Conrad interrupted. "However, several months ago, one of our military ships was damaged in a storm and ended up being forced to anchor off the wolf coast for repairs. The wolves leaked information to the templar that the ship was, in fact, a diplomatic envoy. They 'revealed' that a treaty had been signed between Basidian and the Wolf nations, and that we would launch an attack on their Empire's south coast in order to divide their forces."

"The wolves would like nothing more than to divide the Empire's forces." Marien frowned, tapping her fingers on the table. "With the Empire fighting on two fronts, both their army and the Templar would be spread very very thin."

Conrad nodded. "Indeed. The Empire bought the wolves' leaked information and has begun preparing to invade us. Considering the Templar's attack on our Capital during the Mana Tower incident, war was only a matter of time."

Marien's face hardened, "Yes... I agree."

"Their intention will likely be to attack and seize our capital and take the king hostage if they can. The empire will then dictate terms, demand that we allow a permanent garrison in our territory. And once they are here..."

"It will only be a matter of time before the Templar do to us what they have done to the Keidran."

"Exactly. Your orders are to attack Calmbirth, sink the Imperial fleet, occupy the fortress, and then destroy the harbour and the city in its entirety. All Templar you encounter are to be killed on sight, no surrender is to be accepted. Other groups will be attacking similar targets along the coast, but Calmbirth is the key."

"Will just two fleets be enough?" Marien asked. "Calmbirth is the largest harbour in the Empire, maybe even the entire world, and most of the Imperial fleet is stationed there."

Conrad paused and stared at his fallen son's chest plate as he spoke. "The Empire is unaware that we have intercepted their plans, and they are not expecting a preemptive attack. If we take the time to gather more ships, the chances that they will find out are dramatically increased."

Conrad looked over his shoulder at Marien, "Of course, if you don't think you are up to the challenge, I can find another commander."

"That is a very old trick, General. I'm almost insulted," Marien crossed her arms again, a half smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "That having been said, if we can set the Imperial ships on fire while they are still at anchor, and land our troops quickly, the element of surprise should be enough for us to punch through their defenses."

"Good. You have nine days. You may inform your command staff of the operation, but your troops are to remain in the dark for now. Tell them that they will be following the operation plan you have already crafted until they are at sea to ensure we maintain the element of surprise."

"Nine days..." Marien frowned, gently biting her finger in thought. "I think that can be done. I assume the ships will be fully provisioned for an occupation and siege when they arrive?"

"Of course."

"And when will we be able to expect reinforcements?"

"Just as soon as the rest of the army is finished mobilizing."

Marine's eyes narrowed. "How long will that take?"

"That information is irrelevant to you and your mission. You will have reinforcements as soon as they can be provided."

For a few moments Marien simply stared at Conrad, trying to get a read on him, to ascertain his intentions. There was something, something he was not telling her.

"But that's not surprising, considering the nature of the mission."

Finally, she slowly nodded her head, "Very well. I will make certain my troops are ready to move."

"Good." Conrad nodded, "Very good Captain, I expect great things from you."


Standing before the healing guild's main entrance, Sara felt as if she were drowning. She simply couldn't get the sound of Kallen's final breaths out of her mind, the feeling of her going limp in her arms.

Of course Sara had been with patients before when they died, she'd even helped speed the deaths of some of her more desperately wounded patients, that was part of the job. But Kallen's death was different, and Sara felt a terrible weight crushing down on her

Finally screwing up her courage, Sara pushed open the door.

There was a large crowd gathered in the front entrance of the healing guild. Two dozen doctors and nurses milled about, talking amongst themselves in hushed tones.

"What's going on?" Sara asked one of the doctors.

"The matron said she needed to have a word with us. Not sure what about, but it sounded serious."

Sara nodded, "Right."

A few minutes later, an elderly Basitin female arrived in the front entrance hall.

The Healing Guild Matron, Lady Alice Ferhail, was an ancient woman, with long white hair that, despite being done up in a braid, went all the way down to her ankles. Her arms and face were covered in scars from a long life of military service, but her eyes were soft and gentle from an even longer career in healing.

Stepping up onto a small wooden crate, the matron called out over the crowd. "Everyone please, come to attention."

The buzz of conversation quickly faded away as all eyes focussed on the matron.

"I have called you here because... I have some very sad news. I was informed this morning that our colleague, Dr. Kallen Hail, has been found dead in the east quarter of the city."

A flurry of shocked gasps and whispers shot through the crowd.

"The information that the city guard was willing to share was limited," the Matron continued. "But it would appear that she was the victim of a robbery. The city guard has promised us that they will find the culprit, and bring them to justice."

"Justice..." Sarah shuddered at the word. "What a hollow promise."

"While all of you know that loss is a part of our job, it hits harder when it is one of our own. However, the people of this city are depending on us, as ever, to remain strong"

The Matron paused for a moment. "There is, of course, the matter of Kallen's son. As the boys father is dead, he is now an orphan. The bureau of civilian affairs has given me authorisation to-"

"I will take him." Sara blurted out. Immediately the crowd turned to her.

"I will take him." Sara repeated, stepping forwards, "Kallen was my friend, and I have cared for Nicholai many times. I will take him, and make certain that he is safe."

The matron paused for a moment, before nodding slowly. "Very well. I shall speak with you more on this matter. In the meantime, please go to work. I expect all of you to honour Kallen by doing your best and forging ahead with renewed vigour. Dismissed."

Slowly the crowd dispersed, the doctors variously talking amongst themselves, some sniffling.

As Sara headed towards the doors that lead to the healing rooms, the Matron called out to her.

"Dr. Silver, a word."

Sara turned and bowed her head as the matron approached. "Ma'am."

"Dr. Silver... I understand that you were out looking for Dr Hail last night, correct?"

"Yes, I was. I... didn't find her."

"I see. Doctor Silver, I understand that you may be feeling a degree of guilt over this situation, and I know you were a friend of Dr. Hail's."

Sara started to speak but the Matron interrupted her. "I shall come straight to the point, Doctor, you are not as young as you used to be, and caring for an infant is a long and difficult commitment. I understand that you and Kent have tried, unsuccessfully, to have another child for several years now. Perhaps you should consider that your mothering days may have passed."

"I appreciate your concern." Sara replied, careful not to show any of the anger that was bubbling in her chest at the matron's words. "However, I am quite certain that I can care for this child."

For a long moment the Matron stared at Sara. Sara felt as if she were being picked apart, layer by layer, by those ancient eyes. She had to stop herself from blurting out the whole truth as she held the Matron's gaze.

"Very well." the matron said at last, nodding her head. "I suppose that such a child could not hope for much better than to be taken in by a General's family."

Sara nodded, "I would tend to agree."

"I shall speak with the office of civilian affairs on this matter. In the meantime, please return to work."

"As you wish."

With a final bow to the matron, Sara made her way towards the healing rooms. Her whole body was numb, and her mind felt as if someone had struck her over the head. The world felt unreal and detached. But more than that, she felt as if there was something she was forgetting, something pulling at the corners of her mind

As she moved through the halls, Sara paused at the entrance to the potion lab. Slowly pushing open the door she saw two younger nurses working to clear away the books and references that Kallen had been working on.

"Poor Dr. Hail," one of the nurses commented, picking up an armful of books and returning them to their shelves. "Killed in a robbery, what a waste."

"It's too bad she didn't clean up before she left." the other nurse commented, picking up and sniffing at the small plate of mashed up leaves Kallen had been investigating the night before. His nose crinkled in disgust at the camphor smell. "Goodness knows what this stuff she was working on is but it smells awful."

"Typical doctors, leaving us to clean up their mess."

"That's enough!"

Both Nurses jumped as Sara surged into the room.

"Both of you, get out, now!"

Without a word both nurses dropped whatever they were holding and sprinted form the room.

Sara's body shuddered as she tried to take some breaths to calm herself. "Get a hold of yourself." she growled inwardly, running her hand through her hair. "Keep it together..."

With a heavy sigh, Sara set about finishing the job of cleaning up, replacing the books on the shelves. But as she started to sweep away the samples that Kallen had taken, Sara paused. A thought ruched through her mind that had been forgotten amongst the chaos of the last few days.

"If Alwyn didn't have the Nosgoth's Fang... who did?"


"Nine days? That's impossible!"

Marien turned to her second in command as they made their way across the fortress courtyard. "It had better not be, that's how long the General has given us. He wants us ready to load the moment the ships arrive in the harbour."

Lieutenant Gaheras Volfen frowned, his mind already trying to work out the details of the colossal task his commander had laid before him. Gaheras was short for a Basitin male, and very stocky. Marien had selected him to be her second after multiple other commands had passed him up for promotion, believing his size would interfere with his ability to command, despite his proficiency with both weapons and logistics. At first the other squads had jeered at Volfe and the Thirteenth.

"A westerner and a dwarf, what a disgrace." had been the most common refrain. However, under Marien's command and despite the doubt of some of the others soldiers and commanders alike, the Thirteenth had earned a reputation for being cohesive, deliberate, and fearsome in combat.

"I do have a question." Volfen spoke up. "I mean no disrespect, why do you think General Kolvest is assigning you to lead the task force? A two rank promotion is extremely rare, and it is no secret that you and the General... don't quite see eye to eye."

"Two reasons," Marien replied, folding her hands behind her back. "The first is that he expects us to die."

Volfen blinked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"Two fleets and a few thousand troops attacking the largest harbour in the world, it's a suicide mission. He probably hopes we'll soften the Human's defenses and destroy some of their fleet in order to keep them off balance, before he sails in and takes the city for real."

"He told you this?"

"He didn't need to," Marien scoffed. "For all his fearsome reputation, he's not a particularly hard man to read. Basikal's entire garrison is roughly nine thousand. I don't know how many troops from the Second Legion the General will send with us, but I doubt it will be more than a few thousand."

Marien nodded at a pair of saluting corporals as she walked past. "If we leave behind a large enough garrison to protect our own port and the city, and assuming the support from the second legion is what I expect it to be, we will be attacking Calmbirth with eighteen ships and around five to six thousand soldiers, eight thousand tops. Even with the element of surprise, the chances of our survival without constant support and resupply are low."

"A convenient situation for him." Marien thought to herself. "Why bother killing me if he can get the humans to do it?"

"I see... And the second reason?"

"Because he knew I wouldn't be able to resist taking him up on it. It is too good of an opportunity for our Squad to pass up, a chance to really show what we can do."

"So you do have a plan then?" Volfe asked, trying his best not to sound too relieved.

"Working on one." Marien eyes narrowed and the fur on her back rippled, "I'll be damned if I throw your lives away on a suicide attack. We will annihilate Calmbirth, kill every Templar there, and then sit back and enjoy the stunned look on that colossal buffoon's face when he and his reinforcements arrive to try and steal our glory."

"So... you do think we can win?"

"Of course we can win. The Humans don't know we are coming, so we get to decide the rules of the game. We just have to be clever."

As Marien and Volfen made their way towards a large group of soldiers waiting near the southern wall of the fortress, a young recruit with a messenger's patch on his arm approached at a run.

"Captain Kolvest! Captain Kolvest!"

Marien turned, "Yes Private, what is it?"

The young messenger saluted as she skidded to a stop. Marien couldn't help but smile at the private's youthful enthusiasm and excitement at addressing an officer. She knew how it felt, after all the job had once been hers.

"Captain, there is an officer at the gate who wishes to speak with you. He was not permitted entry to the fortress, but said he would wait outside for you. He says his name is Sieg Kolvest."

Immediately, Marien stiffened. Her fingers twitched and her tail erratically swung back and forth as her mind raced..

After a few moments, Marien nodded at the messenger, "Thank you. Dismissed."


"Lieutenant Volfe, get the Squad organized for landing and disembarkation drills. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Volfen saluted, "Yes ma'am." As Marien turned and marched away, Volfen sighed. "Well... this day just keeps getting better and better..."


"There, that should do it. The bone should heal quickly, just make sure not use this wrist for any strenuous activity for at least a week."

"I may not have much choice, doctor."

Dr. Felix sighed and rolled his eyes beneath his blindfold. "Well if you do injure it again, feel free not to bother me with it."

As his patient got up and left with a grunt of thanks, Dr. Felix removed his blindfold. As he set about cleaning his hands, there was a knock on the door.

"Doctor Felix?"

"Ah, Doctor Silver." Dr. Felix looked up as Sara entered. "I was planning on speaking with you. I wanted to say how sorry I was for this situation. I know you and Doctor Hail were close."

"Thank you. It is... such a tragedy."

"A shame you were unable to find her, she might still be alive."

Whether the words were meant as a barb, or was simply Dr. Felix's rather infamous penchant fro speaking his mind, Sara didn't care. Swallowing a rather nasty retort, Sara nodded, "Yes... I must admit, I am rather... distressed by my failure to save her."

"Well it's hardly your fault, she was out after curfew after all. Besides, the fates are usually unkind, especially in our line of work."

"Yes well... I did have a question for you, Doctor Felix, do you have a moment."

"A moment, yes, but no more."

Pushing back her irritation, Sara pressed on. "When I talked to you, about the plant Doctor Hail was searching for, you mentioned you had something to tell her. May I ask what it was."

Dr. Felix picked up a towel and began drying his hands. "Oh, yes. When I was at the Chariot family Manor some months ago I noticed that they had a rather extensive collection of rare and foreign plants."

"What were you doing at the Chariot manor?" Sara asked, rasiing an eyebrow.

"If you must know, I was called upon to treat the injuries suffered by the wife of Lyon Chariot. Either way, I thought perhaps that Doctor Hail should ask if she could inspect their collection."

Sara raised an eyebrow, "You don't think... the Chariots poisoned Marien Kolvest."

"Of course not, don't be absurd." Dr. Felix scoffed."Why on Mekkan would they bother? But a seed gets stuck to a coat, drops on the ground, suddenly you have a new plant. Goodness knows how it ended up in the Kolvest woman, but you know how westerners are, with all the 'oonga boonga' tribal nonsense. Perhaps the Kolvest woman thought it was some kind of 'sacred herb'."

"Well, thank you Doctor Felix, I will follow up."

"As you desire, though it seems a waste of time to me."

As she turned to leave, Sara looked over her shoulder, "Oh, and one last thing Doctor Felix."

"Yes, what now?"

"Perhaps you should return to the mainland and spend some more time with your grandchildren. When you don't have an infant in your arms you are an insufferable ass."

Without another word, Sara left the room, slamming the door behind her.


As he sat against the wall of Dauntless Fortress, Sieg had a hard time keeping his eyes open. For the first time in weeks the sun was out, and its glow was warm and soothing. It had been a long night, and his body was screaming at him that he needed rest. But there was no way he was going to sleep, not until he saw Marien.

Sieg's ears perked up at the sound of a locking bolt sliding open. A small door in the main gate opened and Marien stepped out.

"Marien!" Sieg leapt to his feet, careful not to slide on the still wet ground.

"What do you want?" Marien demanded, crossing her arms. "I have things to do."

"I... Marien, there is a lot I need to tell you."

"Well then be selective, I don't have time."

Sieg was taken aback by the anger in Marien's voice. "I thought... I thought that maybe we should talk."

"Yes, we probably should, but I am busy right now."

"The guards at the dock... They said you brought my sword back." Sieg reached down to tap the blade at his hip. "I wanted to thank you."

"It's your sword, I certainly don't need it. In fact," Marien reached down to her belt and unclipped her own sword. "Like you said, shame to break up the set." Carelessly she threw the blade at Sieg's feet.

"Now, if that's everything, I need to get back to my squad."

Sieg's ears fell and his tail drooped, "Marien... what's wrong? Why won't you talk to me?"

Marien paused and Seig stepped forwards. "Please, talk to me!"

"I don't want to talk to you." Marien growled back, glaring at Sieg. "I don't even want to see you!"

"But... why?"

"I don't know." Marien snarled, "What could possibly be bothering me, Sieg? What could I possibly have seen that would make me angry with you?"

Realization flashed through Sieg like a lightning bolt, followed by an intense rush of cold dread. "You saw me and Naomi, didn't you?"

"I didn't stick around for the whole performance, but I got the gist of it."

"It wasn't supposed to happen."

"You're damned right about that at least!"

Marien turned and spit on the ground in disgust. "You know what, why am I surprised? If there's one thing I've learned it's that you can't trust anyone! I'm the fool who believed that YOU would be the one exception!"

"Marien, I came here to tell you about it!" Sieg yelled, his ears pressed flat against his head. "I came to talk to you, to... to figure things out!"

"Listen Seig... I get it. I totally get it. I mean, boy, she is beautiful! Even if your wife wasn't some violent western freak who can't bear you children, you'd have to be stupid not to take advantage of an offer like that! Though heaven knows what sick, twisted joke you thought you were pulling, naming our daughter after your... your side girl!"

"That's not true!" Sieg protested. "I didn't kiss her, Naomi kissed me!"

"Oh what, and you couldn't stop her?"

"I was surprised!"

"Yeah well so was I!"

"Marien, I am not in a relationship with her! I would never do that to you!"

Sieg paused to catch his breath for a moment. "Naomi comes to see me some days, she brings me fish, we talk and that's it. We're just friends! She's lonely, and she just..."

Sieg grumbled in frustration as he ran his hands through his hair, trying to think of the right words. "She's... she's hurt or something, she kept saying things that didn't make sense. She might be in... in trouble or... I don't know!"

"So you were just being a hero, were you? Rescuing the girl who needs help?" Marien hissed, baring her teeth. "It seems your taste is consistent at least."

"Just stop it, alright! Stop it! I love you and you know it!"

"You want to talk about what I know? Well here's what I know!" Marien stalked forward, her hands clenched into fists. "I know that I saw you kissing another woman, a woman you were going to name our CHILD after! I also know that earlier that day you interrupted a duel, you raised a sword at me, and I...I..."

All at once the anger drained from Marien's face as she spoke, "I hit you.. I hit you so... so hard and..." Marien had to struggle to keep herself from choking up. "I hurt you... I broke my promises to you and I lied to you... For weeks and weeks I lied to you. I also...I... I killed our daughter."

Sieg shook his head, "Marien that is insane! You didn't kill our daughter! And all those other things, I don't care about any of that. We fought, so what? I'm not afraid of you. You lied, so what?" You did it to try to protect me."

"I did it to protect me!" Marien shot back, "I did it because I didn't want to see the look in your eyes when I told you we would be separated again!"

Marien's shoulders shook and her voice cracked, her eyes filling with tears. "I drove you away! You tried to give me so much, you tried to give me a home and a family, and I... I pushed it away. I wanted to be alone... and I... I finally got my wish."

"That's the worst part..." Marien turned away from Sieg. "How? How can I be mad at you? Everything that has happened has been because of me. I destroyed your life... you career... I took you from your family, I made things so hard for you...."

"That doesn't matter to me!"

But it matters to me!" Marien cried out. "Sieg... you were right! Everything you've ever given up was because of me, and I was so selfish that I accepted that! I... took everything from you because I didn't want to be alone... But you... you deserve someone who can make you happy."

"Marien stop!"

Marien paused as Seig walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"You make me happy. Everything I've given up... it means nothing compared to you."

"Sieg that's not-"

Sieg spun Marien around to face him, staring directly into her eyes. "Look at me!


With all of her strength, Marien shoved Seig backwards. Sieg stumbled and fell, landing hard on his back.

Marien breath caught in her throat, she hadn't meant to push Sieg so hard. She started to step forward to help him, but then she froze. Slowly she lowered her hand.

"Sieg... it's over, alright, over. I can't keep doing this to you, or to myself."

"Marien, no!" Sieg groaned as he picked himself out of the dirt.

Marien's hands clenched into fists so tight that her claws dug into her palms as she turned away. "I'm done. I'm sick and tired of fighting and I am done. The truth is... I want to be alone."

As she reached the door leading back into the fortress, Marien looked back at Sieg.

"Please, don't make this harder than it has to be. Thank you for all you tried to give me. The best thing.... The best thing you can do for me now is to go and live your life."

"NO!" Sieg dashed forwards, but just as he reached the door, Marien swung it closed. Sieg pounded on the door as the bolt slid home.

"Marien! Marien please! Open the door! Marien!" Sieg's voice cracked and he slid to his knees.

"Marien, please... please don't do this." he sobbed, tears running down his cheeks, "I'm begging you... please don't do this..."

On the other side of the door, Marien could hear Sieg's pleas. Every fibre of her being screamed at her to open the door, but she forced herself to walk away instead.

"The person you loved isn't here anymore." Marien whimpered softly, each step she took away from the gate like a knife to her heart.

As she looked at her squad, Marien's ears flattened against her head, "And soon... she won't be here at all."


"I'm sorry madam... you say you want to... what again?"

Sara sighed heavily. She knew full well the servant had heard her the first time. "I said, I would like to come in and inspect your collection of rare plants."

Sara stood on the front porch of the Chariot Manor, dripping wet and cold. The early morning sun had been replaced by a bitterly cold storm, blowing rain and chunks of sleet across the island. Even though it had been a relatively short walk from the manor laneway to the front, the pouring ran had soaked right through her cloak.

"You wish to see... our plants." The servant asked, peering incredulously through the cracked door

"Yes. I believe one of them may have... escaped, and caused an accidental poisoning. I would like to confirm this."

Immediately the Chariot family servant wrinkled his nose and scowled. "Ma'am, such an accusation is as preposterous as it is insulting! Now leave, or I shall have the guards remove you."

Her patience at its limit, Sara leaned close, "Do you know who I am?

"Should I?"

"I am Sara Silver, wife of General Kent Silver." Allowing a moment for her words to sink in, Sara continued. "Now I want to see those plants, and if you don't let me in willingly, I am sure other arrangements could be made.

"I..." the Servant paused for a moment, before sighing in defeat. "Very well. But I must insist that you take no more time than is needed."

"Of course." Sara replied, stepping through the door as the servant pulled it open and allowed her inside.

The servant didn't even bother to take Sara's coat as she was hustled down the hallway towards the Chariot's main parlour. The room was only dimly lit, with a fire blazing in the hearth and a half dozen candles struggling against the stormy gloom. The whole space echoed with the sounds of heavy rain pattering against the huge window overlooking Keiser's Bay.

"Where are the masters of the house?" Sara asked, looking around.

"Master Lyon and Lady Shani are both occupied with far more important matters. I see no reason to bother them with this... uncouth request."

Ignoring the servants' obvious irritation and impudence, Sara continued to look around the parlour. Her nose wrinkled in disgust as she noted the tiger pelt hanging beside the lifesize portrait of Tahl Chariot. "Barbarians," she muttered under her breath.

"Here you are madam." The servant gestured at the collection of plants sitting against the window. "Do you see what you are looking for?"

"Give me a moment." As Sara drew closer to the shelves she was relieved to see that many of the plants bore small copper tags with their names etched upon them. Carefully she made her way down the rows and rows of pots, carefully checking each one.

"I really must insist that you hurry this along!" The servant called out as Sara moved methodically along.

"You could help me, you know." Sara called back, her voice echoing across the room. "I'm looking for something called 'Nosgoth's Fang'."

"I'm afraid I do not know ma'am. Majordomo Jabarian is the one who cares for this collection. It is his personal duty, and he alone tends to it."

"I see."

As Sara neared the end of the shelves, suddenly she froze.

"This is it!" She leaned forward.

The plant was a half dozen stalks sticking out of a jagged bulb. The leaves were long, thin, and coloured a sickly yellow. Judging from the neat trimming marks, one of the stalks had been harvested recently, its stump sealed with a small dab of wax. Around the base of one of the stalks was a copper tag bearing the words:

"Collected: 09_08_351

Human Designation: Nosgoth's Fang.

Keidran Designation: Tah'atya Caasadni."

Reaching into her tunic, Sara withdrew a small knife. As she touched the blade's smooth handle her throat went dry and her hands shook, it was the same knife she had used to deliver the toxin that killed Kallen. Forcing herself to be calm, Sara reached up to cut one of the leaves.

"Admiring the collection?"

Startled, Sara spun round, her knife dropping to the floor.

Shani stood at the south entrance of the parlour, dressed in a long navy blue coat adorned with gold trim. A long crimson cape hung from her shoulders, emblazing with the Chariot family crest.

"I am Shani Chariot, welcome to my home, Mrs..." Shani tilted her head slightly, "I'm sorry I don't believe we've been introduced."

"Sara Silver, a pleasure, Lady Chariot."

"The pleasure is mine I'm sure. It's a rare honour to have the wife of a General in our humble home."

The servant bowed as Shani stepped forwards. "Please forgive me, Lady Chariot, I didn't see the need to disturb you."

"No matter. Get out."

"Yes ma'am."

"Nosgoth's fang, a fascinating plant. " Shani commented as the servant hastily made his exit. "Jabarian has often said that it is one of his most temperamental specimens."

"I see." As Sara met Shani's eye she felt a chill run up her spine.

"This one is dangerous." Sara's eyes narrowed slightly as her ears twitched. "No... more than that... she's a predator. And I am most definitely the prey..."

"But as fascinating as it is, it's also rather nasty." Shani continued, stopping several steps away from Sara. "So I wonder... what's your interest in it?"

"Medicinal." Sara replied. "My research suggests that it may be useful in curing stomach cramps."

"Really? My goodness, how very fascinating."

"I see..." With a sigh, Sara crossed her arms, her ears flattening against her head and her muscles tensing. "So, what's the plan here?"

Shani couldn't help but grin. "Plan? What plan?"

"I have no interest in playing games with you. So whatever it is you are going to do..." Sara bent her knees and raised her fists. "Let's just get on with it."

Shani reached up and unclipped her cape, letting it fall to the ground. Her eyes never left Sara's as she set about undoing the buttons of her coat. "It didn't take you long to realise you weren't going to lie your way out of this."

"I suppose it was about as convincing as your charming noble lady act."

"You know, there is no need for this to be painful." Shani dropped her coat to the floor and kicked it away. "If you cooperate, this won't hurt at all."

"I've been saying those words to patients for the last twenty years." Sara growled, "And I know when they are a lie."

Shani shrugged. "Very well."


Jabarian and half a dozen Chariot family guards sprinted down the front entrance hall towards the Parlour as fast as they could. The servants had alerted them to a commotion, and though the noise had ended as swiftly as it began, Jabarian was filled with a creeping dread.

As they drew near, the doors swung open and Shani emerged, dragging a limp Sara behind her by her hair. Shani's left eye was swollen and a trickle of blood ran down the side of her smiling mouth.

"What the hell happened?" Jabarian demanded.

"A present fell right into our laps." Shani dropped Sara to the floor and put her foot on her back like a triumphant hunter. "It appears that the fates are very much with us."

"That's the wife of General Silver!" Jabarain gasped. "Shani... what have you done?"

"I've just ensured that our plan will go ahead without any further hiccups or delays."

Shani's smile widened. "Contact General Kolvest, tell him that we need to meet. It's time we informed him of a few slight... amendments to our deal."

End of Part 17

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Special thanks to my Patrons: Dowel-Rod , Tokamak, ArcaniA20, & DrowsyUnicorn!

And Special thanks to: Spear Mint Wolf for his stellar editing work.