A Friend in Need

He gave one a few spritzes of water and fixed up the soil. the white furred wolf smiled at the green plants and went behind the counter to grab something as someone walked into the store.

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Chosen of Ashurha IV: Thy Kingdom Come

Beneath the soil vorel had been waiting, listening, biding her time. on the evening of the third moon she began to speak. dry, skittering syllables wove their way out of her mouth and through the soil, calling to the nearest corpse as she cast her spell.

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The dry summer had loosened the soil and stone so much it had fallen away from this skull, revealing the hard ear horn. the child scrambled faster, cutting his burnt paws on the scree as he clawed through it.

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After Leaving

Go over sea's, pull some stupid stunts, and die on some foreign soil where i was looked at like filth. i had left my cell phone at the house, i didn't remember to grab it before i left. i didn't remember to grab allot of things.

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Black Magic - Prologue

I rub the dust from my eyes, wondering if all of it is in fact mine and not some of the horrid, arid soil that i'd left those corpses sprawled across, and try hard to recall everything that i'd just experienced.

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Surviving Solitude part 11

The morning sun shone over shadowed horizons, sweetening the slick, slippery fields of sown soil. today felt like a day of change, perhaps good, or bad? either way, there was no doubt something was of to come.

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The ravaging war: Auxilus prime pt 1

The start of the story is here prologue: auxilus prime used to be a wonderfully rich world, the varied minerals and nutrients that blessed the soil made it one of the most prosperous farming planets in the entire universe, always producing vast stockpiles

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Dig six feet to Hell

The freshly dug earth had already been blocked from the water by raised wooden strips on all sides, all that was left was for the cherry-wood box to be tossed in, the memories of the red buried by healing soil.

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The wooded home

He bought a lot by a river, which was ch had plentiful shellfish and the soil was fertile. it was quite a switch from his crazy city life, with the cars buzzing around you, crowds in your way, that stuff.

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Book One of Rabbits Part 3 of 29, "I don't know what you are anymore."

Neighbors often come to inspect the architectural design and to gaze over the glowing veins of blue and white light winding through the soil.

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A Story Never Told - Part 1 - Under the Holy Tree

The air was heavy with the scent of damp soil, cool and rich. ornaments of moss covered roots, songs of birds and the sound of rustling leaves all around.

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The Good That Won't Come Out (Pundamentals #2)

I was ripping out rocks, dragging along soil. once i saw you, once you stopped them from hitting me... you were my gravity. you may have weighed me down with your indifference, but helped slowed me down, made me start realizing we can live.

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