A Friend in Need
You're a good singer," dex said as lex smiled a bit at him. "nooooo i wish. that would have been easy. nah we had to look up a specific genre and talk about it. my partner and i got jazz. she seemed a little bummed about it but i knew it would be fun.
Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Thirty Four
Toke is dead, zashiel goes on to become a famous vlangurtian pop singer, and inaska marries boam. everyone lived happily ever after! ..._or did i?!_
Kittens and Swords
Immediately a ridiculously yet catchy pop tune began to play with the singer going on about some kind of macaroni dance or something. "on second thought... i can imagine the fanfare in my head." calex's ears folded down.
The Life of Another - Chapter 39
At least now i know your mom must be a singer!" kim swiveled her ears towards me. "nick has sworn us to secrecy!" she said with a playful flip of her tail.
A Life in High School, Ch. 8
They think i'm a terrible singer and tell me to stop every time. they even restricted me from taking voice at the school i went to." "that sucks, man.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 1.4 - A Prayer for the Fallen
"that singer who died," kiryu thumbed back to the square, "holding a vigil it seems." "damn...shame whut happened to her, she seemed like-hey." the boss walked forwards squinting.
Rough Patches -- Chapter 3 -- Part Two -- {An Unprecedented Past}
And he's a pretty good singer too. he's sort of a ladies man though, i think you won't get along with him." guren said, a smirk forming on her face. "as long as he's far from that raiki person, it's going to be fine."
Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 8
Phoebe was wearing a white dress and had her hair set up into a bun on the head, smiling before what many had seen as a serious sniper and person, became the softest singer ever, "here, at the peaceful break of day, there's a feeling love is wakin' up again
Dodekatheon Pantheon
She has been the executive of a fashion magazine, the hostess of a tv game show, a cheerleader for a championship football team and a soulful lounge singer.
The Aesir Pantheon
She has assumed roles as diverse as financial advisor, lawyer, judge and prison psychologist on one hand and gothic beauty queen, model, singer and undertaker on the other. she never deigns to accept disguises that are beneath her.
Stirrings of the Beast Within
"the hunters command the battle field while the singers command the moon's magic" "moon magic?" rolf began to ask, but a war horn burst the relative quietness of the morning air.
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 13
While eating, we saw other singers singing good or bad, but everyone have a good time in here. me and the fellas enjoyed being here until it was time to go. tatsuki is going to take us on his pickup truck. but suddenly toshi speaks.