Attack of The Nameless One

Frankie lined up his shot. a perfect first shot could just about end this fight before it began. _i will be the first to live,_ he thought as the bald head swayed within his sights. but it was still out of range.

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Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 12

Judy's ear shot up in surprise as she pulled the trigger by accident and the weapons shot a one of the pellets and missed the target, her face completely red. - w-what? why would i be thinking of that now?

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter5

Only to be shot twice in the back as kale popped up from beneath the bodies of justyn and azel. **_"shhh...

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Whatever Gods Exist

The bell rang, him shot once, stumbling, falling, climbing to his feet again only to be mercilessly shot a second time, and then falling dead to the ground.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Thirteen

The wolf aimed for the flower bulb and fired several shots. the projectiles didn't penetrate the thick pedals but it was still suffering damage.

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Seekers: Chapter Ten: Fox vs. Fox

I instantly held up my pistol, but didn't fire; i needed a good shot at him since i only had eight rounds.

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act1/Chapter5

I shot and shot and shot and shot, until i could shoot no more. ed, on his knees gasping for a single breath of air, rasped jaggedly, "... just stop..., alan... we've... done enough." i didn't reply. i couldn't reply.

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The new hive

"a hunter shot me in the head with his rifle" replied carl, and then i noticed his head. there was a hole about 2 inches across and half an inch deep into one of his head plates.

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Primrose Valley: Shrink Soccer Showdown

The raboot was forced to play as defensively as possible, unable to risk letting score get a shot the goal at all.

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How the Daleks Stole Christmas

The daleks shouted as they shot at the people, but their shots were ineffective, and it seemed like a barrier was surrounding them.

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The Fireborn: Cold as Hell

 â â 6 bullets.. three shots from each gun hit me in the shoulders, neck and head. each bullet found it's mark and bit my body with the lethal force of a point black shot.

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D.E1 Chapter 55: The Third Offense Part V

For a second, alpha didn't understand, until he saw a single shot flying above them, and then hitting a ballistic droid. the droid was shattered. another shot immediately succeeded the first one, destroying another target on contact. "now is the time!"

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