TOKYO ZONE Episode 1 Rise of the Furry Fighters
Akane screamed. "why do i have a tail?!" sakura screamed. "why am i half naked?" mai shouted out. "did i just burp out fire!?" tafu asked herself in a freaked out way.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Four
Others were screaming, some dying screams, others pleas, and few of them orders. he failed to respond though to any of them. the railing going through his dead pack mate's chest was all that filled his vision.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Fifty
People screamed. smoke filled the air. what the pit was happening?
Spike, The Possessed Emu: Story 2 Part 1
screamed spike. "oh shit!" said dax as he ran after spike towards the front door.
Zootopia Park 9/??
The tires suddenly screamed to life as smoke poured from the tires as the squad car lurched forward suddenly.
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 30
The wall of wolf shadows split open and suddenly hezzi was there, screaming, screaming, screaming... "father! what happened!? father!!" _find him_, kadai wanted to say. _forget this place. it holds nothing but pain and suffering.
The First Stryke
"i was sleeping over there and i heard you scream. anything wrong?" petrie smiled nervously. "scream? me no scream." littlefoot narrowed his eyes. "petrie..." petrie's smile faded. "oh, it only a nightmare, littlefoot. me dreamt sharptooth killed me."
Junior Year: Oh... Shit
Arnold screamed into the window. he opened the door and dragged haley out. she screamed, kicked and fought back; his grip was too strong. i got out of the car and went after her, but mr. arnold gave a quick jab to my throat. he looked down at me.
A Lucky Day
screamed chomper to the longneck "we got a lot to see around here" he screamed as he ran and littlefoot kept telling him to "slow down!" as he laughed and trotted behind his young sharptooth friend.
A Poem
I scream and i scream and i fucking scream. that sickly pink injection, the plunger falling falling falling, until that needle hits zero. and again, i die a little more inside.
Nicollett\'s begining
He screamed again. i looked back only for a moment as a large brown female lapine jumped in front of me and grabbed me by my throat. i kicked and screamed. "i got her!!" the female screamed out as i tore into her hand with my claws making her drop me.
Werewolves and lovers
He screamed, a wild and animal scream. his body morphed, bones breaking and mending, skin stretching and contracting, hair growing rampant. where sam had been, stood a snarling, vicious wolf. it howled, and sniffed the air. mia's scent was still fresh.