The Day I Meet a Hero Chapter FourS
To my real father.
Secrets and Lies chapter 2
You have been the governments top secret project for the last sixteen years. you see demons are violent creatures and your real mother was raped by your real father...which is how you came into being.
€ lopmon cried out pointing an ear at the devimon ascending threw to the real world. â€don’t worry about us! we’ve gotten out of tight scraps then this! meet you in the real world renamon!
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 69
Was it even real? no... no, it wasn't. nothing about him was real._ - stumbled away, clutching his bleeding jaw with his functional hand, and then collapsed into a motionless heap.
Life as a Werewolf chap 3
Was that dream...real?" she laughed and stood up. i didn't find this a bit humorous. "if it was a dream then it wouldn't be real. but yes, it was real." "um..."
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 1
But i wish i could go on a real pokemon journey... i maybe should have be more clear about what i mean. this is a story about me going on a pokemon journey. just not as i was expecting it...
Story Guide: BOVERSE
Their real-world counterpart is listed too.
Coffe and Free-Fall
Herself and real nerves overrode the headset's signals.
His Story part 2: Truth of Hate
I am your real father. your other 'parents' were not the same species of dinosaur as you are. they adopted you probably because they felt sorry for you." chomper shook his head. this couldn't be real. it can't be real! it just can't! ""
I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Eight)
Finally she asked of him "what's your real name?" "johan smit" he replied not looking up from his scribbling. "your real name." she stated this simply, without pretence or ambiguity.
William's Gift
"i still don't get how this is possible" sam will ask, "we're not real. i'm not the real sam and you're not the real william. they died long ago."
Recontextualize 16 - And They're Multiplying
The internet was having a go at speculating on which judy hopps was the real one too. one of them already washed the dye off her fur and could claim judy hopps in form.