Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 37

She felt them overflow her eyes and run down her cheeks just as she left the shadow of the great tree and stepped back into the pouring rain.

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Next Level Prologue: Triple-S

"ah, you did your best...and it's nice to have some rain here," he said with a chuckle. indeed, thanks to the pokémon's special ability, it would continue to rain until another pokémon changed it.

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The Malefor Chronicles Chapter 1: Unwanted Guest

It was raining, almost a downpour. the entrance to the cave was elevated so the water didn't flow into it. there was also a mushroom cap that sat in front of the entrance so that shielded him from the rain.

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Alice Dippleblack in On The Run Ch3

"the rain is becoming stronger again," twinkaleni says dismally, once more by the window.

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 19

Even children hate the rain when they want to go out outside and play. personally, i hate the rain, back home in seattle, the city is sometimes known as "rain city", due to continuous rain every six out of seven days.

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Chapter 5

Her woodland marpat uniform was completely soaked with rain, as well as the rain bouncing off her kevlar helmet.

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Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 37

She felt them overflow her eyes and run down her cheeks just as she left the shadow of the great tree and stepped back into the pouring rain.

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Honored Friend

His fins were showing, and he knew it made him look a bit dangerous, despite that it was only because of the rain. "you know you'll catch cold standing in the rain like that," the other figure said, making dy laugh.

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The rain started to pick up shortly afterwards. the patter of rain quickly coated his hoodie and every bit of clothing. thunder frowned as his jacket became soaked within minutes.

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The Hardest Life PT.1

Seprenta nods and they both started to find some where to shelter from the rain. while searching, the rain was lightly dropping upon them before it got heavier. they then eventually meet up again but none of them found anywhere to stay.

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The Furry Dead (Medieval Style) Chapter IV

Around its base, a scattering of corpses lay half-buried by the rain and muck.

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Tennesee Campaign

Her woodland marpat uniform was completely soaked with rain, as well as the rain bouncing off her kevlar helmet.

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