My Only Light
#2 of poems together and forever is the promise that we made together and forever is the promise that we made when you helped me thought the darkest hour. so where the hell are we now? 'cause we are no longer here.
- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 5
"i promise i will love you with my mind, body, and soul. sid, promise me you won't ever leave again, please." sid leans forwards and licks her nose. he calmly whispers to her. "i promise i will never leave you or this family again.
A Special Night
Be right back, i promise!" the wolf headed to get dressed, pondering the situation. i could have sworn i just filled the fridge yesterday, he thought.
Open Season Chapter 12: Drop Da Bomb
"at first they were just promise rings! which is way cool, as i've never gone steady before..." cassy paused to catch her breath and sip some tea.
Forbidden Blood 11
Quietly she promised to herself that she would never to go outside again except only for what mr. wulffrith needed, not wanting to anything like that happen ever again.
Legal Limits 3: Happy Birthday Conan...
I apologize for my selfishness there, i should've been stronger for you and i promise i will be in the future. writing this one i actually feel pretty good.
Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 31
"i promise i won't let anything bad happen to you. you're safe with me..." those words left the bitter taste of lies on her tongue.
Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 4
And when all our promises are done and kept, we'll make new promises to each other. and that's the way we'll live our lives, constantly searching for new ways to make each other happy._ "nilia! the wrath of my pointy stick isn't enough!
Ander - Epilogue: Subchapter 4
And when all our promises are done and kept, we'll make new promises to each other. and that's the way we'll live our lives, constantly searching for new ways to make each other happy._ "nilia! the wrath of my pointy stick isn't enough!
Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 1 - Autumn Plains
And with his eyes closed, a vision of his cave came to him: warm and safe with its promise of a wonderfully predictable and boring evening. but had he stayed in his cave, he wouldn't be with spyro...
Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:29)
You promised." he says. you think. you did say that! you run off. you just run away from there. you cry as you run. you promised, and almost killed a koopaling. you hide in a dark spot. you hear shuffling. a rabbit? no. there are no rabbits in dark land.
Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 5: Feast and Friendship
I will keep my matter what.