Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:29)

Story by Bowserkill123 on SoFurry

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#29 of Stories

Was at Skool when uploaded

(previously- You stand up, and walk away...) *Now* Bowser begins to follow you, as you head deeper into the woods. You go into your wolf form. You strike at Bowser. He backs away. You loose your mind, and growl. Bowser's eyes widen. He slowly walks backwards. You begin, slowly, walking toward him. Bowser tries to stop you, but your wolf form takes over once more. You look at Bowser angry. The koopalings walk out. "What's wrong with mom?" They ask. You look at them and growl. They all take off running. You follow. You catch Ludwig. You growl at him. He stares at you in horror. Bowser grabs your tail. You quickly turn around. You stop growling. You go to Bowser, and you sit. You smell something good. Steak? Yes! He gives you a huge piece of steak. You turn to your half and half form. Ludwig comes closer to you. "You said you wouldn't hurt us. You promised." He says. You think. You did say that! You run off. You just run away from there. You cry as you run. You promised, and almost killed a koopaling. You hide in a dark spot. You hear shuffling. A rabbit? No. There are no rabbits in Dark Land. What could this thing be? You suddenly hear a scream... (stay tuned for pt:30)