Day 0

I picked up the paper and started reading the funnies first, best to try and get into a good mood before tackling the real world problems.


The City of The Night

{ecthelon speaks up, "but that can cause it's own problems." dramon waves his hand, "this is taken care of as well."}

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Ep2-The Conflict-The Warrior's of Mezzanine

#2 of the warrior's of mezzanine so... that is a problem joel chrysoprase, the 19 year old main protagonist of the group, is a brown black haired rabbit with a white spot on his face with a skinny body type.

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A legendary deal

"i guess i can understand that, though there's a slight problem with that idea." lorelei nodded for me to continue. "the biggest problem with this idea is, 'what if ar..." i was instantly silenced by her wing quickly shooting out and covering my mouth.

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Windows to the Soul - chap. 1-2 - by Skyfox

"if this job is stressing me out bad enough to give me eye problems, it sure is incentive to find something else."


Furries university chapter 22: Come on home

If he has any problems at all call me right away" "alright" "will you be able to watch over him?' "yes i'll take care of him" "don't let him walk around till midnight okay?

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The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 10

If dairyu refused, it would make an even bigger problem as they were very deep inside the slavery business now and making wrong moves could end up horribly.

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Dragon Harping, Chapter One

"hey, better you know now what happens when you seek a witch's aid in solving you problems, instead of trying to fix it yourself."


Ashcroft Investigiations: The New Intern

Kickaha knew he could probably ignore this problem and it'd go away on its own. but as a lot of problems were starting to build up right now he figured he would just go the simple route for once. there'd be more time for the fun kind of chaos later.

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Filling the Void - Chapter Five

"after well over two thousand years, you'd think those people could solve their own problems by now," he said, on a huff. "it's really not that hard." "other peoples problems rarely are," dagen said, thoughtfully.

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Rob was living with me by that time, and he had no problem letting me leave and get to the interview, but luck wasn't on our side that day. i got caught, and my job dreams were shattered.

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Unyeilding Warriors Chapter 2: Dragons for Heroes

The main problem was the hallway between third and fourth hours. that hallway was always so congested, it was a miracle that no one ever got trampled to death. by the second day, aaron had a remedy for the problem.

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