new guardians part one
"please state your name and what sort of creature you are for my name is demetrius son of malefor and as you can see i'm a dragon and i rule this castle", inquired the dark prince.
S2 Ep10 Trouble is brewing pt2
The next goal is to get rid of their prince and brother problem which meant that they were going to develop a plan to get rid of them and get to their goal.
S4 Ep14- Storm vs Zephyr
#15 of the heroes of gaia (season 4) the prince of waves vs the prince of electricity it was storm against zephyr the two wolves who can fly and use water and electricity respectively the two were using their own elements to fly around for most of the battle
Enter Kage, the Elven Prince!
" prince...." kage managed to pick up from a fish vendor. princess? quest? forest? bandits? lost prince?!?! it was all too confusing for him to fully grasp.
#4 of poems a personal love story the prince who singlehandedly singlehandedly took hold of my heart without its prince the kingdom of my heart fell into ruin without its ruler, chaos consumed the wastes but a part of me will remain interred with
Chapter 12 For Markus
She had been trying to get with the prince's child for years, and each time she failed, she was on the receiving end of donica's abuse.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 23
And it's 'prince' to you!)" "(oh, so you're a jerk now? i still prefer the trash-talking, violent son of a bitch prince than a jerk who reminds everyone that he's a prince!
Part One - Whispering Shadows
White scales, white soul, she will be mine, remember your promise young prince, remember your promise."
Talsir and spyro
prince of the german empire...and constructor of the first portal in our history" cynder would humm now interested a bit. she smirked and would start her sentence in a somewhat motherly tone "a prince eh?...a portal eh?...
The End Pt2
"nay prince, she is investigating something for my lord, he bade me to make sure she didn't get her pretty wings pulled off." i called back and she turned her glare to me.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 18
He wished his prince to find out about them, just as planned. his devotion to his prince would be great to throw off any scent from me, and all i needed to do was to stress the importance of the texts to my dear brother, and all went according to plan."
S4 Ep15- Artemis vs Dakota
#16 of the heroes of gaia (season 4) the prince of harmony vs the prince of native wolves (also known as grass vs flames) artemis and dakota had their beast battle in which it was fire vs grass, not a very good match up, but artemis had been training for