L'arc The Bloaty Lion: Shower

L'arc grinned widely as he stood in front of the mirror staring at and rubbing his taut, sloshing belly, there was nothing he loved more than enjoying his big, bloated lion gut.


My Top 25 Songs of All-Time!!!

The cleansing by mirrored theory/// 3:30 2. you and me by attack! attack!/// 3:30 3. touch me (all night long) by cathy dennis/// 3:29 4. orphan tears by your favorite martian/// 3:35 5. in the end by linkin park/// 3:36 6.

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In Misty Pools Way Down Below

Down below where wingless shapes whirl and fly in a poison atmosphere that serves as sky where only darkness comes to birth and die where the tides of life and death do ebb and flow in misty pools way down below reflected moons reflecting eyes mirror

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Colton looked at himself in the mirror and adjusted his bangs so that they fell properly over his forehead. colton looked so mature compared to how he had looked ten minutes earlier.

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A Dark Night

It failed to start, her paw shaking over the keys, her eyes locked on the rear view mirror, watching the dark man who seemed to be covered in a layer of shadows.

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Sand n' Snow

He quickly scans around for a mirror and finds the vanity. he takes a good look at himself and screams, grabbing at the cheeks of his face.

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The Mouse Who Was Born a Bear

Max held a mirror over her, and she looked at herself for the first time. she was a mouse. _large round ears, pointed nose... _she reached for the mirror, and her paw came into view.

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Not So Retired Any More VI

With that, he slowed, as arlen and sato stopped and crouched, the silver wolf using a mirror on a stick to look around a corner in the maze of flop houses.

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Chapter 2

I blew a kiss to myself in the mirror and headed out the door. i still had plenty of time to get there.

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Shuffling towards a mirror built above the ready room's sinks, she started in on bandaging her hands, using her thumb to hold the rough wrap in place as she slowly wrapped the cloth about her hands.

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Under The Quiet Moon - III - 01/20/2011

A smug feeling brought tiny giggles from her that drew her attention to the mirror. it was large, designed for a soldier to see large portions of himself. this mirror showed her a woman she almost did not recognize.

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Space for a time.

We whip out our photon canon and fire a stream of high-energy particles at our perfect mirror at the other star (we pointed a torch at the sky). the photon races off, hits the perfect mirror, and races back to us.

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