Chapter 2

Story by Cee Kay on SoFurry

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#2 of Like Day and Night

I had debated on not going to meet the bartender. But honestly I really didn't want to hear to soft moans and growls that were coming from behind Whitney's door. I thought sourly that she was going to screw herself through the whole city before she actually found a guy that was worth having.

I rounded the street that the club was on and walked slowly down the block, the sounds of the city's traffic was soothing. I wasn't in a hurry, the fellow could wait if he really wanted to see me, and if by chance he stood me up I wouldn't waste a walk by hurrying to get there.

The City never really goes to sleep, and for me that was good, I was the kind of cat that liked to stay up at night. It was always hard to get up and go to work the next day but every night was new, and something exciting was always happening. I was told once by a friend that they couldn't stand the closed in feeling of The City, but to me that's what made it worthwhile, that always being lonely but never alone feeling that the buildings and people created were part of life here. I shook my head at the thought and smiled to myself.

I walked into the low lit coffee house; it was nice not to step into a building that was so full of light that it hurt the eyes. It was almost no adjustment between the outside light and the inside light.

I looked around and sighed, he wasn't here. Damn it really wasn't a waste though. I had a good walk and I would have another going back. I turned to go and instantly bumped into whoever had been standing in the doorway behind me. I murmured an apology without looking up, the person grabbed my arm and I looked up into the face of the bartender.

And I got an awful good look at his face. He was stunning. His eyes nearly had me panting and I could hardly catch my breath, all from one little look. His eyes where stunningly only one color, a deep emerald green, they sparkled with personality in the low light. I love eyes, and if they truly are mirrors to your soul his soul screamed "LOOK AT ME" out through them. He was covered, I guessed, from head to toe in amazingly white fur with different patterns of black stripes that disappeared at his shirt collar. His face was framed by the stripes making it seem that he was all eyes. I couldn't believe that I hadn't noticed how he looked before. Was I blind? The only answer I could come up with was that I was stubborn.

I stood looking up at him, my head would have just fit inside the hollow of his throat if we had been hugging, and trying to figure out if I would be able to talk due to the lack of moisture in my mouth or wondering if I was going to start drooling on myself because he looked too good.

"Um, hi," I said tucking my hair behind my ear; I bit the edge of my lip wondering what to say.

"Well hello Hell Cat, it's nice to finally meet you outside of my club," he smiled a warmly at me, his eyes lighting up with the smile. He seemed genuinely happy to see me.

"Sorry but my name isn't Hell Cat, although I have been told by more than a few people that I am one," I smiled hoping that I wasn't just being weird, sometimes what I said just sounded weird even to me.

"It's alright, but if I buy you a cup of coffee do you think you'll tell me your actual name?" his grip on my arm had loosened and he lightly steered me over to one of the tables and we sat down.

It was slightly unnerving to have his paw still touching me, it was big and warm and just lightly hovered over my back, which is where he put it when we had sat down. Not just unnerving, it made me shiver slightly; I wondered if he had noticed.

He had been talking while I was debating on whether I should scoot away from his paw or just snuggle into it. "I'm Duncan, and as you are pretty well aware of I work at the bar at the club around the corner. It's just a night job, I like late nights, it gives me a reason to stay and sleep in, in the mornings."

"I defiantly understand that, I mean to say that I love the night too. Oh and I'm Cee Kay. Sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner," my tail flicked back and forth showing my embarrassment. Thank goodness I wasn't human and I couldn't blush.

"I'm sorry if this is awkward for you, I can leave now if you want. You seem uncomfortable and I don't want to you to be that way."

"It's really okay Duncan," I just wanted a reason to say his name. "I'm just not used to meeting men, that's what Whit, my friend you see me at the club with, does, not me."

"So you don't like girls? And she is only a friend?" he quirked an eyebrow at me, and I wondered what our dancing must look like to people who watch.

"Honestly she is just my friend. Her name is Whitney; we've known each other for just about forever."

"I just wondered, because like I told you, the two of you put on quite a show for the people at the club. My guess is that you do this often?"

"Yeah, couple nights a week, Whit likes to hook up with just about anything with a penis. Or even without one. Sometimes she'll bring a girl home but it's mostly guys." I shrugged and tried hard not to think too much about her sleeping habits.

"What is that look for? I mean you look like you're mad. I didn't say anything to offend you did I?" He put a little more pressure on my back with his paw.

"Oh no, I just don't like to think about all the guys she dates." I laughed softy and shrugged.

And so for the next two hours we sat there in the coffee shop and talked. I knew it was silly to talk to a total stranger about the things that were going on in my life. From work to what we enjoyed doing for fun. He was so easy to talk to and it was just refreshing to be able to give and honest answer to an honest question.

"Cee?" Duncan leaned toward me and my breath caught in my chest. "Go out with me again?"

I nodded not knowing if I would actually be able to speak. My tail flicked back and forth against the back of my legs; again I was glad I wasn't human. He pulled me into and quick hug with the slightest bit of pressure and let me go.

"Good night then and I'll pick you up here tomorrow night at seven. Wear something nice!" And with a quick peck on my cheek he left the coffee shop.

I walked home in a daze wondering what had gotten into me. It was more than strange of me to agree to go on a date, and it was equally strange that I hadn't scared Duncan off yet. As I walked up the stairs to Whitney and my loft I resolved to try my best to keep this guy around.


I smiled at myself and looked in the mirror and couldn't help but suck in just a little. I smoothed the fur on my belly down and walked over to sift through the clothes that I might possibly wear. Revealing? How dressy? Do I want to look slutty? All these thoughts flew through my head. I finally decided on a cream sleeveless dress. I had plenty of boobs to hold the dress up.

Hum now the biggest two questions of the night. Could I get away with not wearing a bra? And did I have to wear a thong? I sighed and knew the answer to the second question... yes thong... and after a moment's debate yes bra. I wiggled my boobs and laughed at myself there was no hiding these girls so I might as well push 'em up to show 'em off! I grabbed a strapless beige bra and put it on letting my breasts settle down into the cups. Hmm nice! I slipped the dress on and looked at myself in the mirror. Perfect, they showed just enough, but not too much that if I leaded over they would fall out. I decided to forgo the panties. I hate thongs riding up my ass.

I blew a kiss to myself in the mirror and headed out the door. I still had plenty of time to get there. It had been such a long time since I had been in such a good mood.


I walked into the coffee house and he was waiting for me at the table we had shared the night before.

"Cee Kay, you look gorgeous!" His bright green eyes twinkled at me and I felt little butterflies in my stomach. This was way too soon to feel butterflies.

I smiled shyly and tried not to stare at him. He was dressed in a black pinstripe suit, with a dark green silk shirt and a lighter green silk tie. It was all I could do not to go over to him and start to unbutton his shirt. I clenched my paws.

"Are you ready to go?" Duncan asked.

"Of course, do you mind telling me where we are going?

"Usually I wouldn't but tonight it is a surprise," he smiled down at me and took my paw in his. "But I'm pretty sure you'll like it, and if you don't then I'm sure that we can find something equally exciting to do for the evening." Duncan waggled his eyebrows at me and I couldn't help but laugh. I wondered what he had in mind when he said "equally exciting."

He led me out to the street and waved down a taxi, it was passingly strange that he could get a taxi right off the bat and usually it took me quite a while for one to even notice me. There was something that I couldn't help but notice, but there really weren't words for it. Maybe he was just very charismatic, or maybe it was that he had a commanding presence, but whatever it was, he had it, and I guess that even taxi drivers could tell.

We got into the cab and it pulled away and we sat silently for a while, it wasn't uncomfortable silence, just general silence. Neither much felt the need to talk; it was enough just to sit next to him and be near him. I looked out the window as different things flew by, I didn't feel like putting forth the effort to figure out what I was seeing. To be honest all I could really thing about was Duncan.

Before I knew it we had pulled up in front of a tall front store. It wasn't anything to see really, and I wondered why he had brought me, in nice clothes no less, to a place that seemed to blend in with everything around it.

He opened the door for me and offered me his paw. I took it and stepped out of the taxi making sure to watch where I was stepping, I really didn't want to get something nasty on my new shoes. When I had gotten out he held my hand and led me to the door of the place.

"This is it," he smiled at me as he opened the door.

My curiosity had gotten the better of me and my ears pricked forward to catch any stray sound that might jump out at me. I could hear soft music and the low buzz of voices but that was about it. He led me inside and it wasn't much to look at, a shabby entrance room with a set of stairs going down into what I could only assume was a basement.

He squeezed my paw and I looked at him, his eyes were shining with an intensity that I couldn't really name, "Watch your step on the stairs," was all he said as we descended into the room below.