The Warning

And then we found a way to achieve a sort of immortality. it was god's purpose to have us build our communities and fight against death, disease, and the decay of culture. and it worked. though we met with resistance, in time we won many of them over.

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Some general info you should know if you're reading my stories.

The phoenix is believed to be an immortal being who will present himself or herself (there is recorded history of both, though they appear to be the same person) in times of great need.

Valkyrie - The History of the Altia Galaxy - Part 1 - The Atlantian Age

She is idealistic and spends the empire's resources on developing matter conversion technology to transform the atlantians into immortal energy beings. 156 aa â€" the people of earth, motivated by growing concerns of invasion from atlantis decide to attack

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Chapter 10 - Cold Fire

The council overruled her case and the atlantians completed a way to control matter-energy conversion and transferred themselves into immortal beings.

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Natural Science- Permanent Waves

Science gives our lives meaning and improves our lot in life but it cannot make us immortal, no matter how far medicine goes." none of the people there, not shafranek or thurgood nor anyone else wanted to admit it but he was right.

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Interval I: The Deal

Not really though, immortality doesn't apply here, not even to the damned. by "live forever", it meant that he'd never die of natural causes. he could still get slaughtered by mobs with torches and axes.

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Sulphira's War: Chapter 3

"what i'm trying to say is what if you could get back that immortality, that strength, that machismo? you do want it back, correct?" he asked. the kree thought a little bit and his eyes perked up to meet jallek's.

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unconventional genie story

How about, biological immortality. just, never growing old or dying of diseases?" josh asked. "oh that's easy," the fox-woman said. "is that what you want?" "yes," josh said back.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book #4: An Unexpected Discovery", Epilogue

Naoia anensu'ena, one of the timeless, immortal, pan-dimensional beings who are older than the multiverse, has caught lilly's essence, to keep her from being forever lost, by "giving of herself".

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Ragnarok - XI

You are the last who will beach on this shore from waters deep darksome of mortal death to taste immortal soldiery. no more will eyes blink clear the clamor of the field to glimpse my autumn woods.

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Issue 00: Wellcome in Daracoss

Messengers of the immortals who are said to have created this world. they are the guardians of daracoss. neither of these powers can exist without the others. it was and always will be.


House of Cards

There was no real way to prove that this stuff wasn't real - and knowing an immortal magic elephant from another dimension kind of lends itself to believing that "out there" things can be real.

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