Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 1
As for weapons..three grenades, two flash bangs, and only two claw sharpeners. " evan the fox is orange and blue furred fox that stands around 5 ft 9 inches. he is the careful type that always looks for safest ways to do something.
Dozens crumpled, but more men rushed forwards, swinging rifles and bayonets, firing pistols and hurling grenades, killing each other by the dozens.
Love Knows No Bounds - A Morning Suprise
Eventually, with no cases of people becoming furs, the government stopped polluting the waterways of the nation and focused on new things, such as radioactive grenades, that might help them in wars.
Now you're thinking with portals Prologue
When george waved at them, they nodded and threw up flares, followed by long-range flash bang grenades. for a few seconds the sounds of war continued. then, slowly, they began to fade a little as both sides lost their vision. "go!"
Special Delivery
"once our troops are in position we'll disable there artillery with the emp grenades rotor and tails developed, once that's done the rest of them should be easy pickings if everything goes right." "all in favor of this plan...all opposed?...
Krystal and Chase: Stone Ghost p1
Strapped to chase's side his favorite stinger 9mm handgun along with several clips of ammunition and three fragmentation grenades.
The Hybrid War Part 4
Fox walked over to a bin and pulled out a small blue grenade, she hit a button and tossed it to lynx, laura tried to grab it but lynx snatched it out of mid-air, it went off. they all felt icy shivers run up and down their backs and static go through each
Brothers in Arms: Let's Get This Party Started
"whatever you say boss," came the response from shroud along with the unmistakable sound of the pin being pulled on a smoke grenade (which gives off a more metallic click than their fragmentation counterparts).
The Tail of Thorns - Prelude (Rewrite of Mixed Tale - Violence)
The lights converged on the forward mast, and an explosion like a grenade going off lit up red and threw more of the crew overboard as the mast itself fell forward and tangled in the fabric and ropes of the star-bound bounty's canopies.
Twokinds Revolution Chapter 4
"i picked up a hand grenade to throw it back but, well i'm sure you can figure out what happened." seth was dumbstruck. he, nor anyone else, knew that such power existed.
Zombies are Wankers: Time for Some Backstory (ASH AND CHIP ARE NOW RECURRING CHARACTERS!)
However, they were sent home when their antlers were broken in an explosion caused by a nearby grenade.
A Successful Breach
Peeking from behind the rock, 19 saw that the grenade had blasted open a gigantic black fire, which quickly spread to all the marines, devouring even their jeeps in their malignant power.