The Nine Knights of Creation: Research Notes: Angels
The Angels are a race made of pure Light, made by the Knight of Light, much like the Shadow Khan; they were made to help guard the realms. Angels have populated many realms of the Knights, and the Knight of Darkness's wife is an Angel, who is one of...
The Nine Knights of Creation: Chapter 2: Reign of Chaos
Over a century later, in the mortal year of 1944, the Nazi party of Germany has been experimenting with inter-dimensional travel, and an expedition has found their way into the Dark Realm. The Knight of Darkness was not pleased, and so proceeded to...
The Nine Knights of Creation: Chapter 1: Shadow
He opened the palm of his hand, purple fire covering it, and then a portal opened next to shadow and his family. they walked through, and then once they were clear of the portal, the knight closed his hand and the fire dissipated.
The Nine Knights of Creation: Research Notes: Shadows
They live in a realm made by the knight of darkness called the dark realm, a realm of pure shadow where the only light is that of shadow fire.
The Nine Knights of Creation: Prologue
When the first bit of land rose out of the-sea-of-chaos the-lord-of-creation made the five prime knights, knight of darkness, knight of light, knight of galaxies, knight of fire and the knight of frost.
The Second Spy
Littlefoot's pupils shined with the bright lights of the fire as his eyes widened in fear, watching the flames getting closer and closer. he knew he coudln't dodge this, not fast enough anyway.
Chapter Four - Lesson One
As for myself, i am blessed with the gift of fire. i feel it lick at my veins as it urges to taste the air." with a swift flick of his paw, a vibrant orange orb forms in his palm, the distinct snapping of fire's hungry maw filling the air.
Isolated Ch.1
"that better not be a fire." jay ran towards the orange flare and noticed that it was a fire. "fire!" yelled jay. jesse came running out, "where? i'm blinded by smoke!". "the kitchen!" yelled jay in response. "i'll call 9-1-1!"
The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 24
Just the instant moment of fire alight and blazing, as khiifa's body began to be consumed. nashil watched from afar, under the branches of an oak. winter had stripped the tree of life.
Gorthorn: Chapter 8: Adaptation
After their conversation about the predator courts, and various violent injuries, as he went about his duties for the next week, the spider seemed, if possible, even **_more_** meek and soft spoken around the dragonkin. Maybe he should've just kept...
Gorthorn: Chapter 9: Difficult Cases
She was a stoneworker who did maintenance on the palace, and sometimes he considered firing people for such behavior. at the same time, if he let them go he wouldn't get to influence them anymore towards being better.
Walking Away
fire to water. beast to beauty. let us start again.