Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 12 - Meeting with the Gnolls
I could sense it before your ships even reached our shores, such is the gift given to me through my divination." the school of divination magic was not xellik's strong point, nor was it bytej's.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 7
"let's be grateful for the ancestors divine plan that included the seeker to be sent back to us as the conduit for their will. a mole no less, the weakest of the races granted such honor. divine plan is unfolding before us!"
Chapter 12: Blood and Steel
I am not sure if we could handle the entirety of the garrison, much less shen in his divine state. tenbeak approaches me, his feathery digits absently wandering up to his stubborn wound.
Chapter 3: The Past and Future
She stole his divine power, and the wiped the minds of all the dragons. the only ones that were not affected were felix, iktinos, kanira and you.
Southern Free Agents, Ch 5
The elnorai archipelago are protected from necromantic emanations by the divine. every city has its divine patron and each divine patron protects their followers from that kind of thing." durnok added his support for the idea.
Centuries of Secrets Prologue (sort of)
Nbsp; through greatest powers of divination
My Life's work. Dreams, hope and all.
Your hands so soft and gentle with mine, your heart and soul are just as divine. your laugh rings true and wonderful, everything about you is beautiful.
Little Wings of the Storm
I close my eyes, listening to the great work of a divine artist, the wind and thunder and birds and those pure, silver bells. and the more i recollect the storm, the more i think of you.
Sinner, Monster, Friend
You are my rare treasure someone who saw my faults and flaws and called me beautiful prasies my kindness like its that of a divine its not hard to smile, to be kind, to feel for others to put your selfish needs and wants in your life aside so you
They were magic and science and the divine. the otter was god of his own little world. everything came into being in his own image. except it didn't. a million voices screamed in his head. millions of stories to be told.
World descriptions
They are a martial, tribal people with little trust for 'book magic' or arcanism, though they're fine with divine holy magic. primary conflict themes are survival, family, and maintaining the tribe against enemies.
Despite being completely different species, both were brothers and divine descendants of the sun god, inti, destined to protect the earth. "hm. i guess..." wiraqocha replied.