Corrupted Souls-Chapter One

A moment later, the lid of the sarcophagus blew off, almost as if a grenade detonated inside, and a black and shiny wraith-like creature rose from it. she approached me and put her hands on my shoulders. startled, i yelled, "wh... who are you!?"

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Loskra's Story

She had become so skilled at reading these foreign works that deciphering the works of an alchemist took only slightly more effort; it wasn't until she made and accidentally detonated her first fire bomb that she realized what she was reading.

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2. My New Life-1

It, it took two more sweeps to detonate the other, by then we're close to the target ship, too close for my taste and the explosion tore through the light shields, ruptures a hull section and see several bodies fly out.

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Passing the Torch (Act1, Book2, Chapter19)

"so i assume the device had a controlled detonation, or, at the very least, a limited range." reed, and everyone else remained silent. jules patted his front right pocket.

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After the Storm - Part 23 [Looking Back]

Of course, lucius was always the smart one... but he was too late... we had already detonated the explosives from a safe distance when we saw him running towards us... to warn us that we were deceived.

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Last Stand of the First Hell Jumpers Company of the Dire Wolves

And the enemy took heart as they quickened their advance, only to have the dire wolves detonate explosive charges to cause landslides, sending hundreds of infantrymen, a few tanks, and a heavy class battlemech down the mountain as the others continued their

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Horse Sense and Dragon Tales

All twenty three were accounted for as being detonated. apparentlythe accounting was wrong."  the dragon let loose a chuckle. "doyou think so? i'll have you know though, that for the first second or so, thatstuff tasted pretty smooth.

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Superiority Chapter 10

Canadian fighter jets attempted to bomb the base, only to be shot down, with the bomb detonating in mid-air, destroyed by the base's missile defense shield.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 6: Lazz's Lament!

Then he pulled out a detonator and pressed the only button on it and suddenly the whole area takeshi obata was running toward exploded. one giant explosion after another occurred in a chain reaction.

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Titans of the World III: Creations (edited)

All he remembered was a mortar detonating near the striker, dieing slowly on the road, passing out multiple times on the rescue plane, and meeting... a large... walking... talking... wolf?

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3:9 Lucid

He felt like he was this bomb that could detonate at any moment. what if he simply snapped one day? if his mind could do the things it had just done to him, could it fool him into thinking he was still sane?

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Star Fox: Tiberium War (Chapter One: The Crystal)

He quickly slammed the explosive onto the reaper tripod and bolted past it while he thumbed the detonator. the reaper exploded, and came crashing down onto two disabled devourer tanks, a seeker, and one squad of shock troopers.

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