A Trap I Laid

Straining with all his might, as his eyes contract to slits-- reds and yellows enroach upon his sight. with a swish the vixen comes to court him, shitting in the grass. she circles, dances, parades, and prances, presents her sultry ass.

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Office Work, with a Twist of Carnage

Tommy's a sub-sub-sub-contracter at one of the largest companies in the city. the government has a contract out to track the declining human population, and it's tommy's job to keep abreast of every human birth.

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haven history, well, most of it

Clair undertones, (i know, its a bad pun, but thats the name she chose) came across it on the run from a set of hunters, she escaped in the catacombs beneath the church and began to look around after the hunters gave up and left, since then, she made a contract



They continued to work together to mutual benefit for many years until the wolf had amassed a personal wealth and reputation that allowed him to hire cicero, after terminating his current contract and employer of course.

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Sprite Master. Prologue

The furs that made contracts with these spirits were known as the spirit masters that kept the balance and watched over the world. one day a calamity was aprouching and threatened all life in the world.

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Despite how hard you try, your diaphragm will not contract, you cant gasp, you can't move. suddenly the weight on your bed shifts, it's right on top of you. you feel a breath on the side of your neck, right by the artery.

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Filling the Void - Chapter Nineteen

If he were correct about the fighter's abilities, victus thought that the negin might have grabbed a tiger by the tail when he purchased lucas's contract.

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Hollow Bones

"if you're still on this team when my rookie contract expires, i probably won't come back. i'll be like you: i'll go out and try to find my own team to lead.

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How do you stand being so tall? TyVulpine Request

"when's your next contract due to arrive?" "it did yesterday. this job comes from a wealthy widow. she was brutally beaten by her late husband's brother because she got everything and he got nothing in the will.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 49: One Half Metre Under

Your contract is not over yet. the rest stay here and we will talk about your contract. lucia and boulder, especially, stay here. i demand that we finish operation red wolf 2's files _properly.

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#0 The 0-th in the Bull & Fox stories. Timotay in Trouble

And that meant that there was a firm and sure contract for a special printing, and who but timotay could do the best job for such a valuable contract? of all the apprentices none were good enough to compete against him for that honor.

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Of Dumplings and Dumps

"if anything, they were grateful to him for clarifying their contracts." i let the silence stretch as i considered making another pilgrimage to the serving islands. "chelsea, are you all right?"

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