Home Sweet Farm 2: Mecha Warrior
It turned out to be the symbol of one of the most famous mechanic building companies in japan.
The Hitchhikers - Chapter 1 - The Shocking Reply
He had black shorts and tennis-shoes on but couldn't remember when he took his white company shirt off. he couldn't even remember where he had put the shirt.
Jeremy 057; Tidbits And Morsels
"he would make a great leader of the company. i don't know enough about running companies. that's what you're saying." the fox stood silent and only moved his arms behind himself and likely clasped his paws together behind his back.
The Patchwork Soldier Part VIII
"catch-22, how far is charlie company from our location? "about 3 klicks from your location sir. should be there in ten mins." "roger, red one out." i switched my com to my squad's frequency.
Dating Out. Chapter Three.
Maybe he's just some lonely old dog that wants company. easiest sugar daddy i've ever heard about." "he i-isn't a sugar daddy!" corey could feel his cheeks burning at the idea.
A Glass Of Water
Only one thing made her wonder: shortly after the funeral the owner of the insurance company by himself appeared at her home.
The Saga of Fidonhaal - Daughters of the East - Preview 7
Given the nature of this threat and with our duty being to protect fidonity, i am sending out a company of faithguard to ride for the town as fast as they can.
The Assassin Chapter 1
A company simply known as the organization sprung up.
In the Dog House. Chapter One.
Keep an old guy company for a bit?" auto just slapped a large paw right on the beagles back making his brown cap fall onto his short muzzle.
TP 12/2/10: Migration-Not There Yet
Rei hadn't really been ready to retire, but the company was trying to phase out the old ways, like they had been doing when she was hired some thirty years ago.
just some info about my slef
Group of 3 or 4 other people and because of the places where we tend to work like the red zone i detroit i applied and got my concealed weapons permit in about a week (tho i no longer work for that company).
From the desk of the General. Mission 2.
Also known as warpways, derived from the mysterious company name of 'trans dimensional warpways' - they are a mode of transport seemingly devised by dragons to aid them in their wanderings of time and space and multiple universe's.