Day 26 - Swing
Weaving between her companions note, the saxophone-playing hyena brought long notes and order to the chaotic melody of her friends.
Merlin's Revenge Chapter 27
For all the humor she saw from her companions shelby was having second thoughts about her impromptu demonstration. the men and women in the room while not reacting overly threatened had changed their behavior.
Finding My Husband in Another World Season 2: Capter 2: The Bard
Tamed companion-" he looked up at me in shock. "cloud leopard named sky." i nodded. "sky, show yourself." from the haze that covered the top off the room a cloud slowly condensed until sky was sitting on the counter.
Wind Whisperer
The dragon companions noticed that and they reacted quickly, also reaching for swords, attached to their belts.
Black-Winged Angels Chapter 5: Trust
He wanted to help him, but hearing how he was one of the defilers made him doubt his own attempt to help, especially since his companion was a distinguished hero.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 2: All We Know So Far
The ugly female pitbull said holding up a form to the hedgehog boy, monkey girl and their akita companion. "what is with these forms?" minka asked the colony council member.
Darkened Skies: Chapter 19: Guarded
Pride coursed through his veins as his companions that had been so busy with their laughter now scrambled to get into the air and give chase after his tail.
Daggers of Darkness, Book #5: "The First Ones" - Chapter-2
His companion reached for the images and slid them out from under alicia's hand and showed them to arlan.
Dragon Slayer? Chapter 2 Prelude to more trouble.
He wings are folded as she walks up to her male companion. her movements are graceful as they are elegant. she seem not to have the long spikes like her companion she as her scales look more like skin then armor plates like her companion .
Heading Home
When the clan dispersed the lucario that didn't have companions became wild pokemon.
Chapter 2: More Than Peckish
The ex-human slowly got to his feet, looming over his companion. "o-okay...?" "so how did you do it? did you just grab them...and shove them in your mouth?"
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 8 Part 1 of 2
Looking over at her companion, she saw that he was curled up tightly, so that his tail touched his nose. his blanket was in a pile next to him. seeing him like that made her smile.