The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Twelve
Little did the crowd know, which at this time was drawing closer to farinay to hear his words, that behind the counter of several now abandoned merchant stands, crouched arron, a grim smile on his grey muzzle, as he struck a match.
The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Four
Speaking up, narr said,"we could always go back to that abandoned building we kept as plan b." calming down a bit, arron turned to riskar with a questioningly looked on his muzzle, raising his eyebrow he said,"can we teleport there?"
Prologue to "Feral"
The bear flew out the door of the armory and up the hall to the still open doors that led outside of the abandoned complex.
That Burning Sensation
Vulpi had noticed that while the neighborhood itself looked fine there were a lot of apartment buildings that had been abandoned.
Chapter 2: Last of the Happy memories
Why must all of you leave me, are you abandoning me, mother?" "my dear alex, we didn't want to abandon you. it's just that my time and alyssa has come to an end," said mother coming closer to embrace me.
Blacklisted Chapter 2: Revelations
They drove towards a large and abandon warehouse. they stopped and opened up the back. vince, now conscious, was thrown out of the van. he was pushed towards a group of furs and humans, some wore ski masks, others didn't.
Decontamination Day
They called the helvic prisoners "robots" and "clockwork willies," and lauded the ondlandic system as one that held to the tried and true ideas of justice that the rest of the world had long-since abandoned.
The Fountain of Lamneth
The sky was stormy, his vision was blurred by seaspray and soon he had found himself abandoned on board the ship alone with nobody there to keep him company.
Bottom Dweller
There are two sets of fourteen long benches, but unlike the classrooms from the city i abandoned, there are no desks aside from one large instructor's desk at the head of the class.
Ragnarok - VII
If you would live, abandon foolishness-" again the old man stood, as if he had been standing talking all the while, his place not trading with an opposite. "i know your questions, champion, but beg of you abandon them.
Lion King III: The Pridelands Reborn: Chapter VIII
He didn't think i would just abandon strike for no good reason? he could not be hurt so badly ever again if i dealt with his would-be killers!
Receiving End
By now the rag tag forces who came down with ramshackle vehicles and crude weapons were now using our equipment, as our troops either surrendered or simply abandoned their posts before the mystic can get to them.