Lion King III: The Pridelands Reborn: Chapter VIII
#8 of Lion King III: Pridelands Reborn
Chapter VIII: Plans
Brasta's POV:
Tojo and Fuwele just walked into Strike's den when I came sprinting in, "Strike's been hurt badly; please, help him!" I said, my voice on the edge of panic. I had to get him medical attention as soon as possible before heading out. I HAD to!
"Where is he?" she demanded, looking worried.
"My den, just please hurry!" I said, running out of the cave. I was on a mission; and I would complete it, no matter what it cost me. I could not allow those murderers to wreak more damage on me or my family. Yes, I include Strike in my family. Now, this was unusual behavior for me; I'm a thinker, not a doer. But if someone harms someone close to me, I will make sure they get what's coming to them. Not on basis of personal feelings on the person, no; I was vengeful, but I had to keep that emotion under wraps so I could do my work. I have an arbiter's personality; I dispense justice based on what that person has done, or is capable of doing. And I knew that Sadic was a sadist, and a ruthless one at that; he would stop at nothing to get his pleasure from ruining people's lives. I had to find him and finish the job I had started.
After following a scent trail left behind by Strike for half an hour, I realized someone was behind me. I turned around to see Tojo, looking at me with intense curiosity. Gods, I hate it when people follow me... "What are you doing out here?" he demanded.
I looked at him, scoffing inwardly. Why was he interfering in my business? "I could ask you the same thing." I said coolly.
"Aren't you worried about Strike?" he asked. That fool! He didn't think I would just abandon Strike for no good reason? He could not be hurt so badly ever again if I dealt with his would-be killers! I really doubted I would actually come back from this mission, but I knew Strike would be healed; Fuwele certainly had the skill to do so.
"Yes, but I know he'll be okay; besides, there are more pressing matters at hand..." I said.
"Like what?" he asked. Typical response; he was too curious for his own good.
"That doesn't concern you." I retorted, the rogue getting on my nerves. As I turned to leave, he had the nerve to cut me off.
"It may not concern me; but what about Fuwele? How do you think she'd feel if you went out and did something stupid and got yourself killed?" he asked, shouting at me. I thought about that for a minute, but disregarded the thought; I was worried about dying along the way, but I would rather that than have the rest of my pride killed. Besides, what excuse did that give him to follow me, to abandon my sister and Strike? I hate it when people get in my way or question my ideas; I just shrug it off when they insult my personality, but when they think something I'm doing is wrong... I tend to get stubborn 'tunnel vision'. That's when my weapons of contempt and sarcasm are unsheathed.
"Hmph! If you really cared about her that much, you would've stayed with Strike instead of following me for some ungodly reason." I countered smoothly. If he had any logical sense in his head, he would realize by now that he should have stayed and helped, instead of following me. Plus, he questioning was beginning to irritate me. "Why?" he asked. Yet another nerve he's touched on; asking 'why'. I may be a thinker, but when people ask me why I do something, it just irks me. Not because I don't see a logical reason, but because I take it as second-guessing my ideas. "Because I saw the severity of those wounds firsthand, and not even I'm sure that Fuwele can heal him." I said, walking forward.
"Then you should be there too; you're her brother, for the Gods' sake!" Tojo said angrily. Was he trying to annoy me? Why did he keep telling me to do things I had already thought about, but set aside? Staying with Fuwele would not solve this problem... and "emotional support" has never exactly been my strong point. If it wasn't for my mission, I'd be right at Strike's side, right now.
"What I'm doing now is for all of them; you can't help in your present state. Now be a good little boy and go home." I said scornfully, trying to get him to leave.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" he shouted, offended. I sighed; the best thing he could do was go back to my sister, so why did he keep ignoring the not-so-subtle hint?
"Look, just go to her; she needs someone to help her, and I-I can't right now..." I said, drifting off. Damn! Why are my emotions coming out now?
"Brasta... what's going on?" he asked. I gave him the only answer I could.
"I have to finish something I thought I had a long time ago." I said, keeping my voice as cold as possible. Before I turned to leave, I thought of one last, rather depressing thing; if I died, Fuwele would be left by herself. "Just take care of Fuwele, would you?" I asked earnestly, a little concern escaping my voice. "I will, Brasta; I promise you that." he vowed, turning away, "Just one thing; if you're not back by tomorrow I'm coming after you." he said. Well, the idea at least made sense. "Hmph, fair enough. I'll be back by then." I said, sprinting off. And now, to the goal...
Kopa's POV:
She is so...beautiful. Forgive me, but that was the only thing I could think of as I stared into Fuwele's eyes. I felt myself almost being drawn towards those brilliant jewels, the portals of her soul. I will admit, I could've stayed like that forever, intoxicated by those mesmerizing emeralds...
A pained laugh brought me out of my moment of Euphoria. Strike? I thought both hopefully and irritated. We both looked around with a surprised expression; sure enough, there was Strike, giving us a very pained, slightly lopsided grin. I just nodded back and waited for him to lay his head down again.
"Tojo?" Fuwele asked, snapping my attention back to her.
"Yeah?" I asked, regaining my composure.
"I-I-I.....nothing." she said sadly, sighing before turning around to leave.
I ran after her. "Fuwele, what's wrong?" I asked, my voice filling with concern and confusion.
"It's just that... we've only known each other for a few days; and yet I've noticed a difference in our interactions..." she said, trailing off.
"Hey! What do you mean?" I asked, trying to lighten up the mood.
"Back there, um... thanks for... well, you know." she said cryptically, starting to walk off again.
"Look, Fuwele; I don't know what's been going on either, but you are my friend... and I protect my friends no matter what." I said firmly, telling her one of my cardinal virtues. "Thanks, I'll, um... catch ya later..." she said, jogging off. I would've headed after her; but the herbs were starting to wear off. I just went back to where Strike was, mentally preparing myself for tomorrow.
Brasta's POV:
I followed Strike's scent to a cave in the middle of the desert, near our old borders. I decided to proceed with caution; I didn't want to be caught off guard. Unsheathing my claws, I approached the entrance warily. I entered into the cave, searching in the dark. A warm, bitter, metallic odor wafted to my nose; blood. Alarmed, I headed down a dark tunnel. I tried to keep my breathing level, though my heart was pounding. I could not help but feel asphyxiated in the narrow space; half from clustrophobia, half from fear.
The chamber I emerged into looked, in a word, macabre. A smoldering heap of slowly-dying embers lit the room with pale light, revealing a dark substance on the floor. To my horror, I noticed the same substance streaked the walls as well as the floor. The acrid scent of fresh blood permeated the room, leading me to realize what the substance was.
My heart boiled in anger and frustration as I took in the sight. Those two hell-fiends in lion form had escaped! "But I will be ready for their return..." I vowed, starting to formulate a plan. Ideas and thoughts of revenge forming in my head, I made it back to the Pride by morning. Oh, they would pay for this. They had tried to kill Strike, and had nearly succeeded- they deserved everything I was planning...
I decided to check in on Strike when I arrived; and noticed Tojo asleep in the entrance, supposedly 'guarding it.' I sighed in dissapointment, and stepped over him, mentally noting how he was completely defenseless in his position. I walked over to Strike, who was apparently awake; when I approached him, he turned his head towards me. "Brasta?" a rasp came from his body.
"Yes, I'm here." I said keeping my voice calm. Despite my tone, I felt a strange sensation when I saw him in this state, like something gnawing at my chest. I really was worried- more worried than I thought possible.
"Where did you go? If you went off and did something..." he drifted off.
"No, I didn't do anything; I couldn't find the bastards." I said, anger rising again.
"Look, just calm down and think about the task on hand. Prepare the defenses, and protect Tojo and Fuwele." He said as he lost consciousness again. His words confused me; but I decided to follow them. Tomorrow I would worry about informing Father about what happened...
Strike's POV :
Brasta and his logic! If he had used his logic, he would of known that he shouldn't have gone off like that. He may be logical, but he's also too impulsive at times. He could've gotten himself killed!
I started mentally beating myself up, I hated being like this, I guess I understand more than anybody how Kopa feels. Kopa... I know I've heard that name somewhere before... King Simba's son? No, he couldn't be; I looked at him again, unsure. There was some resemblance, but it didn't really matter; I'd protect him and Fuwele with my life anyway.