Jeremy 097; Making A Splash
the talk jeremy had had with allen and detective frick had been in a public place. there would have been a large number of officers involved in the case. after enough time it would seem less and less important to keep confidences.
Words: Prologue
He's become the talk of the city!" the bookkeeper arched an eyebrow and looked at rose. rose grinned, "i've been giving him pointers on creative writing... he's got talent, just like someone i know."
Tuff Ch. 4
"you were the talk of the town in there, great scores and you were the only fox in the whole building." alex looked forward, confused and a little embarrassed, he grabbed his tail and held it in his lap.
K-495 The Devils Boat (proluge and Chapter 1)
Jake released the talk button on the microphone, "how did it get here?" spoke jake to him self. "i lost you jake, you broke off." jake ignored this message, studding the wreck, and thinking to him self.
Enigma Wars: To Catch a General part 3
The droid press the talk button and spoke, "sir, the uninvited guests are trying to get into the control room." maverick heard, stop, and turned to see them at the entrance.
Rose- Prelude to Duel
I enter the room, this one much less lavish than when i was going to the talk show but then again, this one is a far more serious affair.
back to Hercules !
Red: maybe tsume: good, i'm in after the talk with tsume he went to hades to make a deal after the deal was made he went back to his friends sora pov) sora was talking to hercules about what hades was planning hercules knew what he was talking about
A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 15-Remmy
I pressed the talk button after about a half hour, but ended up not saying anything. it was for the best i guessed, though there was the small fact that i wasn't sure what the best even was anymore.
Family Days 13
Marion said and swallowed the lump in his throat, "thanks for the talk ben...i'll see you later...right?"
A Pokemon's Reward Ch. 1 (Part 3)
The only thing making her jump back and forth was the talk they had at the pond and the talk a few minutes ago. malcolm was on his last few berries, observing a few cheri berries for spice to add to dinner.
Leafblade - Chapter 1
He knew what attention this was bringing and he was not looking forward to the talk that would follow this day's events. he knew he would not receive any physical punishment, but sometimes the talk was far worse.
Vadim, Chapter 4: The Handsome Truth
The rabbit saw vadim walking towards the register, so he ended the talk with sig and got behind the counter and waited.