Tuff Ch. 4

Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#3 of Tuff

Hi! This is chapter 4 of the series. Hope you enjoy! The mysterious wolf gives Alex a lift home.

Chapter 4

The doctor instructed every fur that passed the physical to head down the hall along the yellow line. The building was bustling, it was mid-afternoon and Alex could see furs in line who hadn't started yet. Luckily the stallion and shepherd from earlier weren't in sight. It took another hour of waiting until Alex entered a room where paw prints were being taken. It didn't take long but it just meant that the fox was back to waiting.

Around 4 o' clock Alex ended up in a waiting room sitting down. There were several offices attached to the room. One at a time recruits would enter with a uniformed fur. Why is this taking so long? Alex thought as he started slouching in the chair. He laid his head back against the lousy headrest and drifted off.

"Wake up Alex, I hope we aren't boring you," SGT Hetz entered the room, a folder in his paw. "Get up, let's go I have kittens to get home to." The tiger pulled Alex up by his arm and walked him into one of the offices. Alex sat down in front of an older tiger without a uniform. SGT Hetz handed the older fur the file he was carrying.

"Put your folder on the desk kid." SGT Hetz pointed at the folder Alex had kept from earlier today. Alex complied and returned his paws to his lap to wait patiently. "This is the fox I called you about, great scores, wants to do intelligence. Can you make it happen?" SGT Hetz had his paws on his hips, seemingly confident in his great catch.

"Hmm... intelligence... I think there was one opening, let me see." the older tiger had a gentle voice, it was soothing after a day of yelling and nervousness. "Your scores qualify, I have one spot in Fort Himell, and you'd leave for training in..." the tiger looked at his calendar, "two days, on the 10th." the older tiger looked at Alex, waiting for his response.

"Oh... I didn't know it would be so soon, can I have some time to think about it?" the older fur and SGT Hetz exchanged glances.

"No, it's now or never, I have the spot reserved but I can't hold it if you walk out today, it's the only spot we have for intelligence... unless you want to try infantry, we have plenty of spaces for that," the older tiger chuckled and so did SGT Hetz, they were probably thinking the same thing Alex was, he'd never make it in the infantry.

"Well... I guess I'll take it." the fox looked up to SGT Hetz, not sure if he was making the right decision.

"Great!" SGT Hetz slapped Alex on the shoulder to congratulate him. "It's not every day you sign an intelligence spot! Let alone to a fox! The guys are gonna love this." SGT Hetz went on, as if he were congratulating himself more than anyone else.

Alex was going over the day in his head and everything he had researched, he had missed the older tiger printing out documents and placing them in front of him.

"Sign here, here, and here," the older tiger said nonchalantly, the process sounded routine. To Alex it was a tremendous weight, he picked up a pen off the desk and held it above the forms. His mind was racing, the day had been going by so slow, and now this was it, sign or get out. He was visibly conflicted, his tail swishing erratically beside him.

"Hey! Sign it fox," SGT Hetz was glaring at him, the tiger looked concerned that he might walk. He tapped his paw against the table. "I didn't go through all this trouble for you to walk out now, get on with it." SGT Hetz placed his paw on Alex's shoulder in an intimidating manner.

Alex looked up to the older tiger on the other side of the desk and got a shrug in response. SGT Hetz slowly began to dig his claws into Alex's shoulder.

"Sign it," he said, digging his sharp claws into the fox's shoulder. Alex didn't know how to handle the pressure, but he knew how to handle pain. The pen began to dance along the dotted lines. Form after form, Alex didn't read any of them, he just signed. His body stayed tense after SGT Hetz released his grip.

"Alright that's what I'm talkin' about, now that wasn't so hard was it?" Alex ignored the remarks. "Alright let's go, plenty more furs to get through." SGT Hetz ushered Alex from the room and the older tiger went back to his work.

"What now?" Alex asked, still a bit flustered from everything. They walked outside, the tiger patted Alex on the back and gave him a crooked smile.

"Now you're in the Army kid. Be right here in two days, 5 o clock in the morning, don't be late and don't bring anything you don't need. We'll take care of the rest." SGT Hetz didn't wait for any more questions, he turned and headed back inside.

Alex put his paws in his pockets. It was almost dark out, the sun was just over the horizon and it was beginning to cool off. He took a seat on the curb and watched as the rays of light faded in the distance. He still had to get home and hadn't thought about it yet. _Jay might be able to get me_he thought before sending a text to his friend.

"I guess I'll just wait it out." Alex said to himself after making sure no one was around. He pulled his legs up to his chest and linked his arms together. All the waiting and standing had taken a deceptive toll. Alex closed his eyes for what felt like a brief moment.

Most of the furs have left the complex when Alex opened his eyes again, it was 9 o' clock. There was no reply from Jay yet so he thought of calling his parents. Having to ask his mother or father for anything made him cringe. He was about to stand up and stretch his legs when a car pulled up slowly along the curb, flashing its lights at Alex.

"Fine I'll move," he said to himself as he got up. The car didn't react. Alex stood up on the tip of his shoes as he stretched, extending his arms above his head. His heard something in his leg pop and he ended his stretch. Sitting too long always made some part of his body pop. Alex started walking past the car which still had its lights on. He hadn't notice the window roll down while he was stretching.

"Are you okay?" a voice asked. Alex couldn't see inside the dark car, even with his good night vision, so he replied where he stood.

"Yeah, just waiting on my ride." The dome light in the car came on after Alex replied.

"You sure? You've been out here for a while." it was the grey wolf from earlier. Had he been waiting? Alex thought, but he had to reply soon, those piercing blue eyes saw right through him.

"Well, I guess I don't know when my ride's gonna be here... or who my ride is..." he realized how helpless he sounded and it made him feel awful. The wolf tilted his head a little.

"Does that mean you need a ride?" Alex awkwardly shifted his weight between his left and right leg.

"That would be really nice of you, but I couldn't ask you to do that." Alex blushed a little but it was hidden by the night.

"Ok, be safe then." He nodded and slowly waved, switching off the dome light. The car began moving forward and away from the curb. The fox's tail flicked as he watched the car pull away. Fuck it he thought.

_ _ "Wait!" Alex yelled and started a quick jog after the car. The brake lights came on and Alex ran up to the passenger side door, he heard it unlock as he got close. The wolf had a coy smile on his muzzle while Alex got in. They sat for a moment, looking awkwardly into each other's eyes as the dome light began to fade because the door had been closed.

"What? I didn't want to be there all night okay?" Alex said, trying to break their awkward eye contact.

"I didn't even say anything," the wolf shrugged and smiled innocently. He began driving, Alex gave him some brief directions to get them on their way. The fox tried to get comfortable. This car was certainly nicer than his parents. But then again most anything was nicer than what his parents drove. The wolf mostly concentrated on the road, avoiding looking over at the fox.

"I'm Alex, do you have a name stranger?"

"Will." the wolf replied

"Do you mind if I ask why you were there so late?" Alex didn't want to sounds intrusive but he wanted to make sure he was safe in this stranger's car.

"I had to get a waiver" Will said a little quietly.

"What's a waiver?" Alex asked, that was a term he hadn't heard today. Will looked over at Alex, the street lights reflecting off the window gave the wolf's fur an attractive glint.

"It's like an exception, I didn't do well on the MAP."

I guess that test was difficult Alex thought.

"Oh I know what you mean, that test was pretty tough." Alex said, trying to make Will feel better.

"You don't have to lie you know, it won't hurt my feelings," Will said, looking to the fox again. "You were the talk of the town in there, great scores and you were the only fox in the whole building."

Alex looked forward, confused and a little embarrassed, he grabbed his tail and held it in his lap. Will noticed and tried to change the subject.

"Do you know when you leave?" Will asked.

"Two days."

"Me too! what are the chances right?" they exchanged quick smiles and Will started to relax more, his arm was resting on the center console, his paw dangled in the cup holder between them.

"Thanks for tip earlier, you know... when we were doing push ups." Alex said, his head down a little.

"No problem, didn't want you to dirty up that cute nose."

Did he just call me cute? Alex thought, he didn't look over or acknowledge the compliment. They were nearing the fox's home.

"And thanks for standing up-"

"You don't have to thank me for everything, it's not like I saved the world." Will interrupted.

"Right, you're right, sorry." Alex's voice got soft, he was gently petting his tail in his lap. He looked up when Will nudged his arm gently, the wolf had a smile on his muzzle and his right paw was between them, open and facing up. Alex was confused, the wolf's eyes darted quickly between his open paw and Alex's face.

"How do you know?"

"What, that your gay?" The wolf's smile got bigger, "I could smell it on you."

"Well how do you know I don't have a boyfriend?" Alex asked.

"If you did you wouldn't have that," Will nodded his head, looking right in Alex's eyes. He must mean my black eye... did anyone not notice? Alex thought, suddenly becoming more self-conscious. He started shutting down from the conversation. Will reached over and grabbed Alex's paw from his lap, squeezing it softly and holding it as he drove.

"I didn't mean anything by it, sorry." Will said.

"It's okay, you're not wrong." Alex replied and let out a sigh.

The rest of the trip was spent in silence, their paws intertwined until Alex had to let go and get out of the car. He thanked Will again and they exchanged numbers and smiles one last time.