Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 8: Snatch & Grab
I guess my mind flashed back to my old boat; it could_never_ take off like that, even at full throttle." "it was an accident. you're used to smaller, slower vessels." luke offered, managing to push himself off of his seat and approaching volcan.
Contest Disaster
My heart sank and i flashed back for a second to the scene of luca getting electrocuted by rotom in the tournament. the same electric ghost was floating opposite luca on the field! i looked over at luca to see how she was taking this.
The Spectrum of Us
My mind flashed back to a college hackathon where my team had been more interested in who could flirt the best rather than who could code the fastest. i had felt out of place, focused solely on the algorithms and the data.
Culture Change
He didn't even second guess the cartoons speaking in japanese as he flashed back to those younger days, that was until he heard the mother in his flashback speak japanese to him.
Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 6: Moving Up
As long said that, luke suddenly flashed back to the day he had found volcan, and the significant head trauma the blaziken had suffered, leading to the loss of his memories, and suddenly felt a wash of relief that long had indeed avoiding hitting volcan in
Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 7: Perilous Venture
The zoroark's eye widened in recognition as he laid eyes on the greninja glaring back at him, his mind flashing back to the night he attempted to assassinate the kaeru assassin's leader, only to be thwarted by a young frogadier with the exact same cold glare
Age of Heroes Ch08 Unforeseen Simulation Joint
Kinus's mind flashed back the image of blur's lifeless body in front of him. he was honestly still processing what had happened. "i..."
Moonlight ‾ Part 1
Then both ears perked and she straightened up, eyes flashing back down to the canid who stood before her. "lucius. there you are. i was hoping you would show up." she looked back down to the visitor. "there's someone here for you."
Melissa flashed back-as her father tap her on her shoulder.(he looked tired,and saw she was still up-it was around 3 in the morning she stayed up all night long.(she was thinking of the place,that her own mind made-that hell itself is afraid of it.
Episode 12: Starship Down
Her mind flashed back to a time long ago... "be brave and be strong terri," she heard her father's final words to her from that horrible day, long ago, before he and her mother left on that final mission.
Sands of the West Chapter 3: Treasure Hunter
In the moment, his mind flashed back to an item of similar design in the possession of sickle the grovyle, whom he had faced at team warmachine's tournament. "excuse me, lashanne -was that a looplet i saw in your bag?"
The Family Vulpes Chp5
With the squirrel's simple utterance, the vulpine's mind flashed back to that point in his life in an instant.